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Newer version is available!

There's a newer version of a boilerplate avaialble at It has many more features & server side rendering support.

What is this project for?

It's a really quick start for LOCAL development of ReactJS + Drupal 8 applications.

As the result of configuration, you'll get:

  • Working and ready for development ReactJS application
  • Working and ready for development Drupal 8 application
  • UI to access Drupal database
  • UI to access all emails rerouted from php (apart from emails sent through SMTP)

Advantages of this project

  • You don't need to have composer on npm installed locally. Everything is being done though Docker containers.
  • You don't depend on versions of composer or npm installed at dev environments of your team members.
  • Docker configuration for Drupal is based on docker4drupal containers. It provides very good flexibility for Docker-based local development. If you need more containers (i.e. for memcached, redis, solr, etc) - just check out what they offer.
  • Drupal configuration is based on drupal-composer/drupal-project project which provides best dev experience in working with Drupal through composer.
  • ReactJS application bootstrapped with Create React App - minimal & clean start for ReactJS development.
  • Human readable local host names. No more ugly localhost:PORT stuff.


All you need to have is Docker and Docker Compose installed. That's it.


At the end of configuration journey you'll get the following hosts available:

URL Name
http://app.docker.localhost:8000/ ReactJS application
http://drupal.docker.localhost:8000/ Drupal 8
http://pma.drupal.docker.localhost:8000/ PhpMyAdmin
http://mailhog.drupal.docker.localhost:8000/ Mailhog

If you want, you can go further and configure traefik in docker-compose.yml file to get rid of 8000 port. As well as that, you can add custom hosts to your /etc/hosts file (for example, 127.0.0. 1 app.local), reconfigure traefik to use these hosts in docker-compose.yml and eventually get beautiful URLs.

Getting started

  1. Download this repo to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Bootstrap Docker containers listed in docker-compose.yml file:

    docker-compose up -d

    During the process all necessary containers will be downloaded. As well as that, npm install will be invoked to build ReactJS dependencies inside of Docker container. This process may take 1-2 minutes. It means that http://app.docker.localhost:8000/ will not be reachable until that (you'll see nginx error).

    You DON'T need to have npm installed locally.

  3. At this point ./drupal folder is still empty. Let's get it fixed:

    sudo rm drupal/.gitkeep
    docker-compose run backend_php composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev . --stability dev --no-interaction -vvv

    All we do here is downloading Drupal with its dependencies using backend_php container. The installation might take around 5 minutes. No worries, it's expected. Check out Drupal Project for development guideline.

    You DON'T need to have composer installed locally.

  4. It's all done now! You may try accessing any host listed in the Hosts section of this manual.

  5. As the final step you'd probably want to commit everything to your own repository. Feel free to drop .git folder in the project root and initialize it with your git settings.

    As soon as this is done it's safe to run git add -A and commit everything what's been added. All files which should be ignored by git already specified in proper .gitignore files.

Shutting down the environments

It's IMPORTANT to stop Docker containers using docker-compose stop.

Of course there's a possibility to shut the Docker containers down using docker-compose down, but it will drop Drupal database. You can read a little bit more about it here.

CLI to work with ReactJS application

To access all npm commands you can simply run shell inside of frontend Docker container:

docker-compose run frontend sh

Then use npm CLI as usual. For example, add a new package:

npm install lodash --save

All you'll need to commit is the change to package.json file.

CLI to work with Drupal application

To access all available CLI to manage Drupal, run shell inside of backend_php Docker container:

docker-compose run backend_php sh

Then run any command you need. It's possible to use composer, drush, drupal.

If you want to run a single command inside of the container then you don't have to run shell first. Just do it this way:

docker-compose run backend_php composer require drupal/devel:~1.0

After that commit resulting composer.json and composer.lock files.

Note that Drush and Drupal Console have to be invoked inside of web folder, so you'll have to cd web first.

Alternatively, you might use the following command to run drush or drupal CLI outside of Docker container:

docker-compose run backend_php drush --root="./web/" <COMMAND>

If this command seems to be too long to type every time, consider adding it to the list of your bash aliases:

alias dockerdrush=docker-compose run backend_php drush --root="./web/"

Then you'll be able to do something like this:

dockerdrush cr