This git repository holds anything needed to give a demo of SplendidData Postgres Pure. Basic aproach is that you
- create a docker image of fedora or centos
- use that image to spin 4 docker containers
- use ansible to
- configure one as a repo and
- install postgres, repmgr and barman from that repo
docker-compose up -d
Only needed for
- non default docker deployments, or with already running containers
- switching between centos / fedora (default is centos)
- switching to pure3 (default is pure4) Look at
- ansible/group_vars/all for all preconfigured variables
- ansible/staging/inventory for all hostrelated stuff
- all.yml calls all the other playbooks in the correct order
- repo.yml initializes repo container
- repmgr.yml initializes database servers, making first server a master and the rest a standby (only one standby is tested for now)
- barman.yml initializes database servers as barman clients and barman server as barman server
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook ansible/all.yml -i ansible/staging/inventory -u root --private-key docker/c7_ssh/id_rsa
docker-compose kill
docker-compose rm