A SQP algorithm implementation for solving nonlinear constrained optimization problems.
Summary of Steps for SQP Algorithm
Make a QP approximation to the original problem. For the first iteration, use a Lagrangian Hessian equal to the identity matrix.
Solve for the optimum to the QP problem. As part of this solution, values for the Lagrange multipliers are obtained.
Execute a simple line search by first stepping to the optimum of the QP problem. So the initial step is ∆x, and xnew = xold + x. See if at this point a penalty function, composed of the values of the objective and violated constraints, is reduced. If not, cut back the step size until the penalty function is reduced. The penalty function is given by P = f + sum(λ*g), where the summation is done over the set of violated constraints, and the absolute values of the constraints are taken. The Lagrange multipliers act as scaling or weighting factors between the objective and violated constraints.
Evaluate the Lagrangian gradient at the new point. Calculate the difference in x and in the Lagrangrian gradient, γ. Update the Lagrangian Hessian using the BFGS update.
Return to Step 1 until ∆x is sufficiently small. When ∆x approaches zero, the K-T conditions for the original problem are satisfied.
Example of SQP Algortihm
Find the optimum to the problem:
min f(x) = x1^4 -2x1x2^2 + x2^2 + x1^2 -2*x1 +5
s.t. g(x) = -(x1 + 0.25)^2 + 0.75*x2 >= 0
SQP finds the optimum in 9 iterations.