It's been a while since we didn't issue a major release. So here we go! This contains a lot of improvements, new features and fixes.
Thanks to everyone involved! 🥳
Breaking changes
- Include project code into project authentication token. This invalidates all existing API tokens and invitation links from previous versions (#802 #843)
- Drop support for Python 2 (#483)
- Drop support for Python 3.5 (#571)
- Drop support for MySQL (#743)
- Require MariaDB version 10.3.2 or above (#632)
- Enable session cookie security by default (#845)
- Change token path authentication to /{project}/join/{token} (#843)
The minimum supported version is now Python 3.6, and the project is tested with up to Python 3.9
See the upgrade instructions to make sure the upgrade goes smoothly.
- Add CSRF validation on destructive actions (#796)
- Ask for private code to delete project or project history (#796)
- Add headers to mitigate Clickjacking, XSS, and other attacks:
(#845) - Add URL validation to external link to prevent XSS (#846)
- Allow to import previously exported json data (#518)
- Add new optional field "external link" in bill form (#429)
- Add optional currencies to project and bills (#541, #864)
- Add new statistics showing monthly expenses (#526)
- Add pagination to the list of bills (#480)
- Add sorting, pagination, and searching to the admin dashboard (#538)
- Add Project History page that records all changes (#553)
- Add token-based authentication to the API (#504)
- Add illustrations as a showcase, currently only for French (#544)
- Add a page for downloading mobile application (#688)
- Add optional support for a simple CAPTCHA (#844)
- Add translations for Greek, Esperanto, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Swedish
- Publish an official docker image
- Use the external debts lib to solve settlements (#476)
- Remove balance column in statistics view (#323)
- Make language choice persistent (#547)
- Localize date strings in the current language (#590)
- Differentiate "flash alerts" notifications (#594)
- Display "flash messages" persistently instead of making them disappear (#856)
- Improve menu bar spacing, put history and settings in a submenu (#739)
- Change Dockerfile to install python dependencies at build time (#793)
- Updating project settings doesn't require to enter or update project code (#774)
- Bump dependencies: WTForms (#768) jinja2 (#753) itsdangerous (#756) flask (#755 #757 #764)
- Remove requirements files in favor of setup.cfg pinning (#558)
- Make language choice persistent (#547)
- Flash messages must be dismissed manually (#856)
- Increased the font size of the logo (#828)
- Improve input of email addresses when inviting people to join a project (#133)
- Fix order of participants in the statistics page (#608)
- Clarify project edition form: private code is not required (#774)
- Fix Python dependency constraints to be less strict
- Improve documentation (#781 #819 #821)
- Fix datepicker that was displayed twice on some browsers (#221)
- Members weight are now rounded to 2 decimal (#838)
- Reorganize "Contributing" documentation to be more accessible to new contributors
- Improve documentation regarding database migrations (#569)
- Added a page about the security model (#858)