The vast majority of the release process is handled after you push a new git tag.
First, let's start by setting some environment variables we can reference later.
export TAG=v0.x.0 #CHANGEME
To push a tag, do the following:
git checkout main
git remote add upstream
git pull upstream main
git tag --sign $TAG --message "Release $TAG"
git push upstream $TAG
Observe that the CI run for that tag completed.
Bump the Helm chart versions. See #311 for an example.
Next, you'll need to update the documentation:
git clone
cd documentation
Change all references from the previous version to the new version.
Contribute those changes and open a PR.
As an optional step, you can run a set of smoke tests to ensure the latest release works as expected.
Finally, announce the new release on the #spinkube CNCF Slack channel.