This Magento extension is primarily two things:
An abstraction layer for MongoDb. Like the MySQL abstraction layer included in Magento, it provides classes that extend
. It also includes support for .js upgrade scripts, an indexer to automatically index fields in other collections, and a schema defined by XML files. -
An atomic job queue. The job queue can be run by the Magento cron or by a separate script and supports future execution dates, automatic retry intervals, disabling jobs by name or group name, and priorities.
See mongo.xml.sample and Job.php for more information.
Cm_Mongo can be used with EcomDev_PhpUnit, but needs to override one of it's classes for fixtures with mongo collections to work. Add a module dependency on EcomDev_PhpUnit to Cm_Mongo.xml when using with EcomDev_PhpUnit.
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