- 🎓 PhD Candidate at Beijing Institute of Technology, 8/2022 - Present. Adversarial machine learning.
- 🇬🇧 UofG - MSc in Computing Science, 1/2021 - 1/2022. Graduated with 👨🎓 Distinction.
- 🇨🇳 BIT - BSc in Computer Science, 8/2016 - 7/2020. Research assistant at Data & AI security Lab, 6/2020 - 1/2021.
- ⚡ Python / TypeScript / Rust. Next.js / Serverless. PyTorch. Adversarial examples / AI security.
- 🔑 GPG key hosted here at GitHub and also Keybase, see Keybase proof.
- 📫 Email me at: spencer.wushangbo#gmail.com
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