GitLab uses just a few pieces of the XML report to generate the displayed user interface. The formatting options available in this project can improve the usefulness of this UI.
The summary view shows passing and failing tests by method name (including any parameters). GitLab generates its summary of New failing tests, existing failing tests, and newly passing tests based on this string.
The popup displayed when clicking on a test, shows only the body of the failure.
The test summary can be modified by setting the method format. The option below used 'MethodFormat=Class'. This can be particularly helpful when using test fixture data (i.e. there are parameters passed to the class) which you would like to display.
The popup is much more useful with the inclusion of the 'Expected X, Actual Y' data. This is added to the failure body using 'FailureBodyFormat=Verbose'
Below is example .yml which implements the options shown above. Additionally, this example collects the output from all test projects into a single folder, and uploads their reports to gitlab.
stage: Test
- 'dotnet test --test-adapter-path:. --logger:"junit;LogFilePath=..\artifacts\{assembly}-test-result.xml;MethodFormat=Class;FailureBodyFormat=Verbose"'
when: always
- .\artifacts\*test-result.xml
- .\artifacts\*test-result.xml
Screen shots and behavior are current as of GitLab Enterprise Edition 13.0.0-pre.