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SpawnFest repositories, teams and people

Paulo F. Oliveira edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 14 revisions

Since GitHub doesn't have a public Repository/Team/People listing, we made our own.

SpawnFest 2023

Repository Team People Languages
heimdall Team Heimdall thebugcatcher, susanwalker Elixir
kumite Bushido labs hackemateninja Elixir
youcan youcan madclaws Elixir
mungo massivefermion massivefermion Gleam
rawhat toad rage rawhat Gleam
wave haile hailelagi Elixir
kino_wasm Kino Wasm filipecabaco Elixir
arizona williamthome williamthome Erlang
nine hackercat42 fancycade Erlang
tgate turtle_code senconscious Elixir
zig_builder Sosig D4no0, viteoskin, Ion98 Elixir
lftr-pllr lftr-pllr wfvining Erlang
UntitledProject AloneInTheDark wmealing LFE
lorax lorax wtedw Elixir
exsyncthing 3 ducks in a raincoat dpreston Elixir
tabtab one_man_army MarkoMin Erlang
openscadex Indy lkarthee, indunagdeo Elixir
fluffytrain Fluffy Train ValedL Elixir
workera_spawners Workera Spawners Sgoettschkes, dfnino10 Elixir
ELMS.P.A.R.K Sector E(LLM) 7hoenix, Andre-Bryan, blackeuler Elixir
karel_dreams Karel Dreams towhans, bossek, miladamilli Livebook
exrow exrow nuxlli Elixir
interceptozaurus interceptozaurus stefanchrobot Elixir
wfnet1 fyrlang fredyouhanaie Erlang
latch etaoin shrdlu hkrutzer Elixir


SpawnFest 2022
Repository Team People Languages
dtu SquarePants marianoguerra dtu/languages
tres-web Tres Web madclaws, ghostdsb, Brotchu, droidcafe tres-web/languages
OMA one-man-army MarkoMin OMA/languages
lively Lively vorce, filipecabaco, thiagoramos23, vittoriabitton lively/languages
not-a-ninja Not A Ninja mrluc not-a-ninja/languages
eflambe_live eFlambè Live Stratus3D eflambe_live/languages
erlyorm Team Burbas burbas erlyorm/languages
collywobble The Collywobblers sax, goto-engineering collywobble/languages
exhbase FunWithElixir dethi exhbase/languages
opal plushy hailelagi opal/languages
the-arborists The Arborists stefanchrobot the-arborists/languages
unstable-book Prestige Worldwide michaelvigor unstable-book/languages
secret_vault ruos yunmikun2, hissssst secret_vault/languages
json_native Jason michalmuskala json_native/languages
melody melody sandeshsoni melody/languages
graphql_smart_cell GraphQLiens mcrumm, elbow-jason, billylanchantin graphql_smart_cell/languages
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