Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this little guide and contributing to this project
Everybody is welcome to contribute to this knime-dataverse-extension
extension. The repository contains a Python based KNIME extension for knime-dataverse-extension
analysis. To get started make yourself familiar with the general information on how to implement a Python based node extension for KNIME Analytics Platform that is available here.
Please send a GitHub Pull Request to knime-dataverse-extension with a clear list of what you've done (read more about pull requests). When you send a pull request, please also include an example or testing workflow that demonstrates or tests the new functionality. We can always use more test coverage. Please follow our coding conventions (below) and make sure all of your commits are atomic (one feature per commit).
Code must be formatted with “The uncompromising code formatter” Black
- Black defines the code style, and there is no manual formatting involved
- Black tries to produce small diffs when code changes
- Black is available as a command-line tool and in many editors: Editor integration
We use SonarLint for linting.
- SonarLint for PyCharm: SonarLint - IntelliJ IDEs Plugin
- SonarLint for VSCode:
This is a short step by step guide on how to setup your development environment to get started with the node development.
Download and install the latest KNIME nightly build
Install KNIME extension: Open the downloaded KNIME Analytics Platform nightly build and click KNIME -> File-> Install KNIME Extensions, Search for 'Python' and select
KNIME Python Extension Development (Labs)
,KNIME Python Integration (Labs)
, Disable the “Group items by category” option and search for 'geo' and selectKNIME Geospatial Extension
. The KNIME Geospatial Extension contains the Java and Python representation of the geometry data types. (This step is optional if you don't want to enable geo-function.) -
Clone this repository
Before proceeding in KNIME Analytics Platform we have to create the Python environment with all required packages e.g.
to do so execute the following command that uses the knime-dataverse-extension.yml file in the local repository clone:#browse to the folder where the knime-dataverse-extension.yml file of the local repository clone is located and then execute conda env create -f knime-dataverse-extension.yml conda activate knime-dataverse-extension conda info # Record the env location path such as D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\knime-dataverse-extension
Make a copy of the
file e.g.config_YOURNAME.yml
. Adapt the copied file to point to theknime_extension
folder on your local hard drive as described here. The file tells the KNIME Analytics Platform where to search for the Python extension on your local hard drive during development and debugging. -
Add the following line to your
, located in the KNIME nightly root folder, to point to your adjustedconfig_YOURNAME.yml
file e.g.-Dknime.python.extension.config=D:\Software\knime_470\knimespace\geo\config_YOURNAME.yml
Go back to the KNIME Analytics Platform and configure the following KNIME Python settings:
- KNIME -> File-> Preference> KNIME> Conda Choose anaconda directory
- KNIME -> File-> Preference> KNIME> Python(Labs) Choose knime-dataverse-extension environment
Reopen the KNIME Analytics Platform and you should see the knime-dataverse-extension extension in your KNIME node repository.
If you do not see the extension have a look at the KNIME log file via View -> Open KNIME log.
Every KNIME node that is part of this extension should be accompanied by a KNIME workflow that tests its functionality and its corner cases.
To write test workflows KNIME provides the KNIME Testing Framework UI extension that contains several helper nodes. For example, the Testflow Configuration node allows you to specify which errors or warnings are expected by a specific node within the test workflow. This is useful to test that you node properly validates input values e.g. that they must not be empty. The Table Difference Checker node allows you to compare the output table of a node with a gold standard table.
For a detailed introduction on how to write good workflow tests and execute them within the KNIME Analytics Platform have a look at this blog post.
When testing locally you do not need to build anything. All you need to do is adjust the config.yml
to your local setup e.g. adjust the src
path to the location of the knime_extension
folder on your hard drive and the conda_env_path
path to the path of the local conda environment that contains all dependencies required by the extension e.g. geopandas and add the path to the adjusted config.yml
file to your knime.ini
file as described above.
However if you want to build the extension locally follow the instructions here.