Welcome to the CMPE281 Team Starburst Hackathon Project wiki!
- ChaithralakshmiS
- Luis Otero
- Mithun Harikumar
- Radhika Srinivasan
- Sowmya Gowrishankar
- What did the team do in the past week? : The project started. Research of topics proposed
- What is the team going to do next week? : Combine all ideas and decide on the application to be developed
- What are the current blockers/challenges the team is facing? : The team did not face any challenges during the week.
- What did the team do in the past week? : The team decided on the SaaS application to be developed.
- What is the team going to do next week?: We will finalize the API that are going to be implemented by each team member.
- What are the current blockers/challenges the team is facing? : The team did not face any challenges during the week.
- What did the team do in the past week? : The team decided on the API to be implemented by each team member.
- What is the team going to do next week?: Each team member will design the structure of their API.
- What are the current blockers/challenges the team is facing? : The team did not face any challenges during the week.
- What did the team do in the past week? : We designed the API structures and set a deadline for API implementation
- What is the team going to do next week? : Testing all of our APIs for before integration by 04/21/18
- What are the current blockers/challenges? : Integrating all APIs
- What did the team do in the past week? :We implemented our APIs
- What is the team going to do next week? :Integrate all APIs
- What are the current blockers/challenges? : Integrating all APIs
- What did the team do in the past week? :We integrated our APIs
- What is the team going to do next week? : Reherse for demo
- What are the current blockers/challenges? : -