- Method
- The consuming side must provide a Custom HTTP Method with
- method parameterization enabled.
- {{ form.proxyMethod ? 'Default' : '' }} Method
- {{ method }}
- The consuming side must provide a Custom HTTP Subpath with
- method parameterization is enabled. The Custom HTTP Subpath will
- be appended to the base path.
- Base URL
- {{ validationMessages.invalidUrlMessage }}
- {{ form.proxyQueryParams ? 'Default' : '' }} Query Params
- Query Param Name
- {{ header.errors }}
- {{ validationMessages.invalidQueryParam }}
- Value
- {{ validationMessages.invalidQueryParam }}
- With query param parameterization enabled, the default query
- params and the query params provided by the consumer will be
- merged.
- Request Body
- The request body can only be set from the consumer side, if
- parameterization is enabled.
- Authentication
- Type
- Header with Vault Secret
- Header with Value
- Auth Header Name
- Auth Header Value
- Vault Secret Name
- Additional Headers
- Header Name
- Header Value