An implementation of the Telegram Bot API messages and some simple clients.
Used by:
- aioTelegramBot - An easily customisable bot written in asyncio Python3.
* txTelegramBot - An easily customisable bot written in Twisted Python3.
pip3 install TelegramBotAPI
from TelegramBotAPI.client.requestsclient import RequestsClient
from TelegramBotAPI.types.methods import getUpdates, sendMessage
# setup
client = RequestsClient(_token)
# send_message
msg = sendMessage()
msg.chat_id = _user_id
msg.text = 'hello there'
resp = client.send_method(msg)
# poll updates
msg = getUpdates()
msg.timeout = _timeout
msg.limit = _limit
msg.offset = last_id + 1
updates = client.send_method(msg)
for update in updates:
import asyncio
from TelegramBotAPI.client.asyncioclient import AsyncioClient
from TelegramBotAPI.types.methods import getUpdates, sendMessage
def main():
client = AsyncioClient(_token)
# send message
msg = sendMessage()
msg.chat_id = _user_id
msg.text = 'hello there'
resp = yield from client.send_method(msg)
# poll updates
msg = getUpdates()
msg.timeout = _timeout
msg.limit = _limit
msg.offset = last_id + 1
updates = yield from client.send_method(msg)
for update in updates: