Swiftpay is a dynamic and user-friendly finance website that revolutionizes the way you manage your financial transactions. With Swiftpay, you can seamlessly handle subscriptions, send and receive money from your contacts, and witness real-time transaction updates right on your user interface.It is a collaborative project built by a team of 5 and executed in 5 days.
- Account creation, login, signup, and logout functionality.
- Facility to change user details and authentication.
- Subscription
- Payment
- Transaction
- Notification
- Sort, filter, search
- Admin Side
Check that you have node and npm installed
To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:
node -v
To confirm that you have npm installed you can run this command in your terminal:
npm -v
To install all the dependencies of the project, run the following command:
npm install
To run the application go to the client folder and run the following command:
npm start
Please note: The server side for this project is deployed on Render.com, and since we're using the free tier, the server is shut down after 15 minutes of no use, and whenever you're using the live link for the first time, it takes a few seconds to restart the server, so kindly wait a few seconds when you open the live link for the first time.
This software is experimental and under development.
- Visual Studio Code
- create-react-app template
Dashboard Page
Payments Page
Sending Money
Trasactions & Notifications
Subscriptions Page
Buy Subscription
User Profile
Edit Profile
All Users Page
All Transactions Page
Admin Tickets Page
Admin Subscriptions Page
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