Content associated with presentations and demos for Using Jupyter Notebooks
Provides JupyterHub image with integration to Azure AD through OAuthenticator and the Fargate Spawner
Update the Fargate, Secrets Manager, Service URL, and Azure AD App Registration configurations
Provides JupyterNotebook image with integration for dotnet interactive
Update the dotnet SDK version if applicable
At the root of the repo is a Dockerfile copy of the dotnet image. This is to build a custom image for use with Binder specifically.
When you launch with Binder ensure you select the PowerShell Kernel when the JupyterLab instance is started
The cfn template profiles an example of the resources and integrations necessary for Route 53 to manage DNS, Elastic Loadbalancer to handle the inbound client traffic with a certificate from Certificate Manager, with the target group using the Elastic Container Service Fargate Service for the JupyterHub image from Elastic Container Registry (ECR), loading the Azure AD App secret from Secrets Manager, and able to spawn JupyterNotebook tasks from the dotnet image in ECR
This will NOT work as is, treat this as a reference only
Provides an outline of the different steps shown during the demo
Provides basic steps in creating the environment
Provides the notebook used during the demo