This repository includes an implemetantion of Weight Normalization for Chainer. Weight normalization can help optimization of a model.
This implementation no longer works with the latest version of Chainer. Instead, use muupan or musyoku's one.
See Weight Normalization: A Simple Reparameterization to Accelerate Training of Deep Neural Networks, Tim Salimans, Diederik P. Kingma, NIPS 2016
If you just wrap a link with my function convert_with_weight_normalization
the link is transformed to one using weight normalization.
For example, when you define a link with weight normalization, you can write
l1 = WN.convert_with_weight_normalization(
L.Linear, 784, 100)
c1 = WN.convert_with_weight_normalization(
L.Convolution2D, 1, 128, ksize=3, pad=1, wscale=2.)
instead of
l1 = L.Linear(784, 100)
c1 = L.Convolution2D(1, 128, ksize=3, pad=1, wscale=2.)
which is a common writing respectively.
- This function only supports links without grand children paramters. For example,
is not supported. (If you transform its internalLinear
directly, it may work.) - This function is tested only for
. Thus, this can not guarantee that this will work for other untested links which have parameters ofndim >= 2
This function works in both chainer v1 and v2 (current).
This is an experiment to train 10-layer residual NN with activations of leaky-relu on MNIST using SGD with a bad learning rate (lr=0.1). Code is derived and modified from Chainer official example.
Result with weight normalization:
iteration main/loss validation/main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/accuracy elapsed_time
1 5.80999 0.08 0.64273
2 10.8657 0.14 0.679493
3 5.57372 0.09 0.702814
4 2.66745 0.22 0.722323
5 2.22639 0.14 0.741015
6 2.36748 0.2 0.758818
7 2.24198 0.14 0.775544
8 2.08068 0.3 0.792325
9 2.14593 0.26 0.809057
10 1.93175 0.44 0.825989
11 1.65397 0.48 0.842731
12 1.63579 0.49 0.859861
13 1.93049 0.24 0.877223
14 2.59935 0.09 0.894272
15 2.39911 0.22 0.911247
16 1.83692 0.51 0.928246
17 1.58412 0.5 0.945195
18 1.59829 0.48 0.962008
19 1.59301 0.4 0.978866
20 1.48322 0.48 0.99572
595 0.292018 0.89 13.6053
596 0.106104 0.94 13.6312
597 0.101768 0.95 13.6571
598 0.209457 0.95 13.6829
599 0.233117 0.89 13.7088
600 0.237073 0.284317 0.91 0.9122 14.6295
Result without weight normalization. Training failed due to explosion.
iteration main/loss validation/main/loss main/accuracy validation/main/accuracy elapsed_time
1 5.80999 0.08 0.753265
2 16.8105 0.09 0.765204
3 16.916 0.13 0.775952
4 10.3611 0.1 0.786683
5 32.9404 0.08 0.797532
6 36.7193 0.17 0.808314
7 9288.8 0.1 0.819087
8 1.1515e+19 0.05 0.829958
9 nan 0.08 0.841378
10 nan 0.11 0.852247
11 nan 0.08 0.863049
12 nan 0.04 0.874359
13 nan 0.1 0.885276
14 nan 0.06 0.896156
15 nan 0.1 0.907041
16 nan 0.14 0.918859
17 nan 0.06 0.929799
18 nan 0.07 0.940751
19 nan 0.11 0.951689
20 nan 0.13 0.962659
595 nan 0.13 9.35053
596 nan 0.13 9.36868
597 nan 0.09 9.38676
598 nan 0.11 9.4049
599 nan 0.09 9.42308
600 nan nan 0.05 0.098 9.97829