Course - The complete headline of the course.
Created by John Doe
- I felt this is important : Definition of the term perhaps
- This can come in handy : Definition can go here as well
- Epico Project 1 : A demo project which you made while doing the course.
- Crow 64 : Another demo project
- EPICOPRJECT2 : Side projects which you did to showcase your own understanding of the stuff you learnt while doing the course
This is an important section and do not take this lightly as it can be helpful to you as well as other people who want to do the same course. You can write about the overall quality of the course
- how well the instructor taught
- whether the homework/exercises/assignments provided were helpful
Then you can talk about quizzes and tests that happen at the end of every section to test the knowledge. Whether they were helpful, challenging, overly difficult, very easy, etc. Next thing to elaborate upon would the speed at which concepts were taught. Did you find yourself rewinded or going back to certain lectures to understand thigs better? Were there any lectures where you would advise people to pay more focus on. Were there any topics that weren't covered or taught adequately.
The second last part is that how much you can do or learnt after the end of the course. Do you still remember most of the core concepts taught throughout the course. And what all can you build/do after completing the course. Was it worth it?
Last but not the least, any supplementary courses you would recommend to complete after this or would you like to recommend some other course in case this one wasn't that great/ fruitful.