This is a proxy server that can handle HTTP requests from the browser. In this project, the primary
responsiblity of this server is to maintain the files in the cache memory such that the requests can be
processed at very high speed using the pre-stored files.
This project can be built on any Linux platform. Follow the below steps to build and run the
1.) Clone this project using the command "git clone"
2.) Go into the project folder using the command "cd proxy-server"
3.) Run make
4.) Finally, run the server using the command - ./server [Port Number] [TimeOut]
This server is limited to handle only GET requests and HTTP requests from the client. The client
request is parsed to validate the method, version and URL. Then the given URL is resolved and
for the invalid domain name, it returns 404 error. For invalid method and version, it returns
400 Bad Request error.
The server then stores the domain-name and associated IP address in IPcache.txt. It then looks for
the requested files in pagecache.txt. If the file is not present, then it fetches the files from
remote server and then stores in the local cache.
All prefetched page in cache filesystem is stored with a timestamp. So, if the timeout exceeds the
timestamp by a threshold value then the pages are re-fetched from the server and are stored back.
This server also has capablity to pre-fetch the links, for a speedy page processing and delivery.