This is a LuaJIT binding for the excellent C++ immediate gui imgui. Uses cimgui to be the most "up to date" as possible.
There are backends for glfw, SDL2 and SDL3.
- currently this wrapper is based on version [1.91.8 docking of imgui]
Remember to do a recursive cloning of the repo to pull submodules also.
git clone --recurse-submodules
If already cloned and updating do from this repo folder:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- linux cimgui_sdl (for love2d for example) needs:
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
- run one of the scripts in the build directory from a sibling folder to the repo. If you want to install,
(recomended) add this
-DLUAJIT_BIN="folder where LuaJIT is"
to the cmake command. - make (or make install).
- If you didnt install in LuaJIT directory, set basedir variable in imgui.lua to the directory libimgui is found.
- Alternatively you can build which includes LuaJIT-ImGui and dependencies.
- Remember you also need GLFW or SDL2 .
- You have some scripts on the examples folder.
- New module imgui.window for simplified use. (see window_drag_drop.lua)
- In case you are in a hurry, you can get all done in the releases (GLFW version only).
- Releases are now done in
- if cimgui is updated the binding can be remade with ./lua/build.bat
- can be used for LOVE2D as explained in #20