Implementation of G8RTOS, a real-time operating system featuring priority scheduling, background/periodic/aperiodic threads, inter-process communication, semaphores and more, designed for the MSP432.
void main(void)
WDT_A_clearTimer(); // disable watchdog
G8RTOS_Init(); // initialize OS
G8RTOS_InitSemaphore(&sampleMutex, 1); // initialize semaphore for mutual exclusion
G8RTOS_InitFIFO(SAMPLE_FIFO); // initialize the FIFO
G8RTOS_AddThread(&thread1, 1, "thread1"); // add background threads to scheduler
G8RTOS_AddThread(&thread2, 1, "thread2");
G8RTOS_AddThread(&thread3, 5, "thread3");
G8RTOS_AddPeriodicThread(&pthread1, 100); // add periodic thread to scheduler
G8RTOS_AddAPeriodicEvent(&sampleISR, 0, PORT4_IRQn); // add aperiodic event to scheduler
G8RTOS_Launch(); // launch OS
while(1); // never reached