SolFren, a social platform aim to make developer build Web3 Dapp easiler.
is a Javascript SDK provides many NFT social related modules which are composited by underlying web3 protocols.
Welcome to join our Discord for more design and implementation discussion.
Checkout SolFren Web SDK latest release.
npm install @solfrenxyz/solfren-web-sdk
import SolFrenSDK from '../src/index'
const solFrenSDK = new SolFrenSDK({
solFrenAPI: {
apiKey: "X0ZVQ2ZZSUJ1c2ZkYW5GWm1nR1I6Nm00YU1JamZUbGE1dlExekkyZzRWQQ=="
console.log('NFTFeed.listByDiscover()', await solFrenSDK.getNFTFeed().listByDiscover());
import { NFTFeed } from '../src/modules/feed';
const feed = new NFTFeed({
solFrenAPI: {
apiKey: "X0ZVQ2ZZSUJ1c2ZkYW5GWm1nR1I6Nm00YU1JamZUbGE1dlExekkyZzRWQQ=="
const discoverFeeds = await feed.listByDiscover();
console.log('discoverFeeds', discoverFeeds);
const followingFeeds = await feed.listByFollowing(0, 20, [
console.log('followingFeeds', followingFeeds);
import Profile from '../src/modules/profile';
const profile = new Profile({
solFrenAPI: {
apiKey: 'X0ZVQ2ZZSUJ1c2ZkYW5GWm1nR1I6Nm00YU1JamZUbGE1dlExekkyZzRWQQ==',
wonkaAPI: {
endpoint: '',
twitter: {
const profileResp = await profile.get('the-wallet-address');
console.log('profile', profileResp);
import NFT from '../src/modules/nft';
const nft = new NFT({
solFrenAPI: {
apiKey: "X0ZVQ2ZZSUJ1c2ZkYW5GWm1nR1I6Nm00YU1JamZUbGE1dlExekkyZzRWQQ=="
solanaRPC: {
endpoint: ''
wonkaAPI: {
endpoint: '',
const id = 'HhDDF8djnQnty2WJTxsy5VRNMutbPPd5xCtujieHBPAu'; // collection key
const resp = await nft.getCollection(id);
const [nfts, cursor] = await nft.listByCollection(id);