Written for JHU's EN.560.291 CaSE Coding course.

This app:
- imports the latest COVID-19 data from HealthData.gov and the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering
- wrangles and geocodes the data
- generates choropleth maps and textual summaries from the data
- defines an interactive Shiny dashboard
- handles user input to switch maps and summaries on-the-fly
All data wrangling and view generation happens in global.r
. Using these results, the Shiny app is then defined in ui.r
and server.r
. Finally, the app is styled as detailed in styles.scss
, taking inspiration from Statistics Sweden's Kommuner i siffror (Municipalities in Numbers) visualization.
Access the app online on shinyapps.io.
To run the app locally, you'll need to have an R interpreter installed. As well, to build dependencies, you will need Rtools.
Through an R shell, install the project's dependencies.
install.packages(c("shiny", "magrittr", "dplyr", "leaflet", "formattable", "sass", "remotes"))
Clone the repository and run the following in an R shell whose working directory is the repository's root directory:
Alternatively, open the project in RStudio and run the app using the IDE's built-in Shiny capabilities.