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This repository contains the code for Brain image segmentation of White Matter (WM), Grey matter (GM) and Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the IBSR_18 dataset.

Setting up the environment

  • Create a conda environment
conda create -n ctreg python==3.9.13 anaconda -y && conda activate ctreg
  • Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

Metadata creation

First we create the metadata of the IBSR_18 dataset necessary to run the algorithm.Run the following line to perform this step.



Preprocessing of the dataset that consists in Bias Field correction and Normalization between 0 and 255. Run the following line to perform this step.

python -m preprocessing.preprocessing


Registration of the training dataset into Validation or Test to build the multi-atlases.


Run the to create the elastix batch files to register all the brains into the Validation or Test sets. For example, run the following line of code for Validation.

python -m  database.batchfilecreator --batch_type elastix -set_option Validation --parameter Par0009 

That outputs 5 batch files that you should run before going to the next section in a folder that is created in cwd()\elastix\NEW_FOLDER\elastix


Run the to create the elastix batch files to run transformix and register all the labels into the Validation or Test sets. For example, run the following line of code for Validation.

python -m  database.batchfilecreator --batch_type transformix -set_option Validation --parameter Par0009 

That outputs 5 batch files that you should run before going to the next section and perform the final segmentation, the batch files are located in a folder that is created in cwd()\elastix\NEW_FOLDER\transformix

All the results coming from elastix are saved in a folder located in cwd()\data\BFC_registration\Par0009


To perform the final segmentation from the multi-atlas two strategies are proposed.

Majority voting

Run the following line of code to perform the segmentation by using hard majority voting on the Validation.

python -m  segmentation.multiatlas_segmentation --parameter_folder Par0009 --registration_folder BFC_registration

That will output a *.csv file located in cwd()\metrics with the 3 different evaluation metrics per tissue DSC, HD and RAVD.

Run the following line of code to perform the segmentation by using hard majority voting on the Test if all the previous are run to build the multi-atlas for the Test set from the Training set.

python -m  segmentation.multiatlas_segmentation --parameter_folder Par0009 --test_boolean True
 --registration_folder BFC_registration

That will output *.nii.gz files with the final segmentations per patient in a folder call cwd()\Final_segmentations

Majority voting weighted by voxel spacing similarity

Run the following line of code to perform the segmentation by using weighted majority voting on the Validation.

python -m segmentation.multiatlas_segmentation_weightedvoting 

That will output a *.csv file located in cwd()\metrics with the 3 different evaluation metrics per tissue DSC, HD and RAVD.


Medical Image Segmentation and its Applications final project







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