Reads sensor data over a serial connection, e.g. an Arduino and publishes the read sensor data via MQTT. Also, vital metrics are exposed via Prometheus server.
To build it on your local machine just check out the repository and invoke
make build
To cross-compile for Raspberry PIs devices, just use the raspberry target:
make raspberry
usage: serial sensor data reader [-h|--help] -m|--mqtt-host "<value>"
[-t|--mqtt-topic "<value>"]
[-s|--serial-device "<value>"] [-b|--baud-rate
<integer>] [--loglevel (INFO|DEBUG|WARN)]
[--prometheus-address "<value>"]
-n|--sensor-name "<value>"
-l|--sensor-location "<value>"
reads data from a serial sensor and publishes
it via mqtt
-h --help Print help information
-m --mqtt-host uri of the mqtt broker. Example:
-t --mqtt-topic MQTT topic to send the data to. Default:
-s --serial-device The serial device to read sensor data from.
Default: /dev/ttyUSB0
-b --baud-rate The baud rate to use for the serial communication.
Default: 9600
--loglevel Debugging loglevel to use. Default: INFO
--prometheus-address Address to use. Default: :9191
-n --sensor-name A descriptive name of the sensor that is read
-l --sensor-location The location of the sensor
./build/serial-sensor-reader -m mqtt://localhost:1883 -t sensors/photo/wohnzimmer -n photoresistor -l wohnzimmer --loglevel DEBUG
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] Started using configuration:
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] mqttUri=mqtt://localhost:1883
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] mqttTopic=sensors/photoresistor/wohnzimmer
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] sensorName=light
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] sensorLocation=wohnzimmer
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] serialDevice=/dev/ttyUSB0
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] baudRate=9600
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] loglevel=DEBUG
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] prometheusAddress=:9191
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] Creating mqtt backend...
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] Mqtt backend initialized
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] Starting to read from serial device /dev/ttyUSB0 with baudrate 9600
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:41+01:00] (Re-)connected to MQTT broker localhost:1883...
DEBU[2020-01-22T19:02:42+01:00] Read value 901
DEBU[2020-01-22T19:02:42+01:00] Publishing message to topic sensors/photo/wohnzimmer
DEBU[2020-01-22T19:02:43+01:00] Read value 901
DEBU[2020-01-22T19:02:43+01:00] Publishing message to topic sensors/photo/wohnzimmer
^CINFO[2020-01-22T19:02:44+01:00] Received SIGTERM, quitting gracefully
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:44+01:00] Stopped reading from serial device
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:44+01:00] Disconnected from mqtt
INFO[2020-01-22T19:02:44+01:00] Closed channel, bye