this project is about using AWS Free tier resources to host yourown pastebin
A pastebin or text storage site is a type of online content-hosting service where users can store plain text (e.g. source code snippets for code review via Internet Relay Chat (IRC))
swagger UI pastebin http endpoints
install pipenv
for your user only
pip install --user pipenv
binarylocation=$(python -m site --user-base)/bin
# retrieve pipenv binary location in order to add it to PATH (suggested: add it to your .bashrc file)
export PATH=$PATH:"$binarylocation"
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd pastebin
Install dependencies
pipenv install --deploy --dev
you want to start a local database (DynamoDB) install locally and provision it
with a table named paste
cd local
docker compose up
remove running dynamodb container and start a fresh one
docker compose down -v
docker compose up
ℹ️ keep this terminal running in order to keep local DynamoDB Docker container running
Using SAM (Serverless Application Model) CLI, you can easily execute the lambda locally
We are using only one (1) lambda entrypoint to cover all http requests since our use case is pretty simple.
Lambda code is located at src/
Stubbed lambda event input arguments are located at local/events/
. There is
one file per http verb.
in a new terminal (the first one is busy running DynamoDB container)
pipenv run sam build && pipenv run sam local invoke -e local/events/post.json
# > Invoking app.lambda_handler (python3.9)
# Local image is up-to-date
# Using local image:
# Mounting /Users/me/git/pastebin/.aws-sam/build/PastebinFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated, inside runtime container
# START RequestId: 378e46ab-dd9b-4a31-bec7-1cc1b4a06ae8 Version: $LATEST
# END RequestId: 378e46ab-dd9b-4a31-bec7-1cc1b4a06ae8
# REPORT RequestId: 378e46ab-dd9b-4a31-bec7-1cc1b4a06ae8 Init Duration: 1.52 ms Duration: 1021.66 ms Billed Duration: 1022 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 128 MB
value in local/events/get.json
file reflects this
inserted Paste's Id.
for a simple API call, target local/events/get-api.json
pipenv run sam build && pipenv run sam local invoke -e local/events/get.json
sam CLI will detect the API Gateway and its available methods automatically (GET, POST, etc.)
developer will use Postman app or VS Code Thunder Client to issue http request
toward localhost:3000/paste
pipenv run sam build && pipenv run sam local start-api
# Initializing the lambda functions containers.
# Local image is up-to-date
# Using local image:
# Mounting /Users/user/Documents/git/pastebin/.aws-sam/build/PastebinFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated, inside runtime container
# Containers Initialization is done.
# Mounting PastebinFunction at [GET]
# You can now browse to the above endpoints to invoke your functions. You do not need to restart/reload SAM CLI while working on your functions, changes will be reflected instantly/automatically. If
# you used sam build before running local commands, you will need to re-run sam build for the changes to be picked up. You only need to restart SAM CLI if you update your AWS SAM template
# 2023-08-09 17:19:04 WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
# * Running on
# 2023-08-09 17:19:04 Press CTRL+C to quit
id=<from previously posted paste>
To run tests, run the following command
pipenv run test
We chose Terraform to deploy this app to AWS
Python serverless functions often requires external dependencies as listed in
In AWS Lambda, we will add those dependencies as a layer
. Our Terraform code
(see terraform/
and analyse resource "null_resource" "lambda_layer"
to understand how we compress project's dependencies installed on local machine
by pipenv
). There might be simpler ways to install Python dependencies to aws
lambda, but as of now(2023-12-23) we don't know better.
Make sure to package your dependencies in a zip file to add it as a layer to our lambda ->
assuming you have successfully deployed the app on aws using terraform apply
on your aws account
- retrieve api gateway endpoint using terraform command
terraform output
from keyapi_gateway_endpoint
. it should look like an long URL (ex.: - perform
request to insert a new paste
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"content":"one two tree testing my new api gateway/lambda integration"}'
- perform a
query over previous paste
curl -i<previous POST request response value>
implement a DynamoDB CRUD client
safe-guard CI by automated unit tests suite (GitHub Action)
implement CI 'better practices' automated safe-guards
develop a lambda that will Create and Read pastes
implement an API Gateway that exposes Lamba's functions via http endpoint
deploy required infrastructure using Terraform in AWS
dependencies management pipenv
database: aws DynamoDB
computing: aws Lambda, python, boto3
publicly available endpoint: aws API Gateway
CI/CD: GitHub, GitHub Actions, pyenv, pytest
- Docker
- DynamoDB local
- SAM (Lambda), awscli
In order to avoid having to upgrade project's dependencies when it's too late, we're gonna upgrade dependencies to the latest version everytime we deploy
It might break our app after a deployment, but it's a price we're ready to pay to have the app evolve with time with the latest dependencies