It's a custom made Pi-Hole (Ad-blocker) syncing algorithm to fullfill my demands to manage Pi-Hole DNS entries and Ad-lists from a Windows Server DNS Service centrally. Somewhat similarly as in Gravity Sync to simplify deployment of new domains and Pi-Hole Ad-list configurations.
- Managing more than 1 instance of Pi-Hole DNS provider from a central location (in this case Windows Server DNS)
- File system security
- Fullfill other people's demands :) (Feel free to modify any part of the code!)
- Windows Server
- PowerShell 7
- Python 3
- modules:
Package Version --------------- ------- bcrypt 3.2.0 cffi 1.15.0 cryptography 36.0.1 dnspython 2.1.0 numpy 1.21.5 pandas 1.3.5 paramiko 2.9.1 pip 21.2.4 pycparser 2.21 PyNaCl 1.4.0 python-dateutil 2.8.2 pytz 2021.3 setuptools 58.1.0 six 1.16.0
- modules:
- Pi-Hole docker instances (unlimited hosts)
- accessible SSH ports of the hosts
- same credentials to the hosts
- same deployment architecture (Ansible example at the bottom of the page)
- host access to configuration files (point above)
- NOPASSWD: sudo option necessary to the managing user
- Collecting the DNS Zones from Windows DNS
- Exporting DNS Zones from DNS Service
- Parsing DNS Zones files
- Sorting DNS records
- Connecting to remote servers via SSH
- Making sure files are exists and setting necessary permissions
- Pulling gravity.db and DNS zone files
- Syncing DNS zones on the local server
- Creating a backup file (.bak)
- Parsing old DNS files
- Merging DNS files (overwriting or adding domains based on the configuration option in
- Syncing Gravity database on the local server
- Creating a backup file (.bak)
- Connecting to local Gravity database file
- If overwriting is True drops the necessary tables and recreating them based on the existing schema with the necessary triggers
- If overwriting is False simply inserts the new adlists and domains
- Disabling Remote Pi-Hole services
- Pushing modified files to the remote servers
- Restarting remote DNS server
- Updating Gravity database engine
- Enabling Remote Pi-Hole services
- Separating credentials, include in hosts and separate them in real time running
- Clearing tmp directory before execution (be aware of backup files!!!)
- Pi-Hole Web interface after a time tends to not working for DNS entry deletition
- Fix:
# Removing all entries!!! echo "" > /opt/pihole/etc/custom.list echo "" > /opt/pihole/dnsmasq.d/05-pihole-custom-cname.conf docker restart pihole
- Fix:
- Install PowerShell 7
- Install Python 3
- Edit files accordingly:
- (parsed)zones
- zone_files_path
- target_hosts
- credentials
- commands if necessary
- overwriting behavior
- deployment paths
- adlists
- whitelisted domains
- start_sync.cmd
- path of the script
- Run start_sync.cmd (recommended to run from any command line interface to see the result .\start_sync)
- hosts: all
# Installing Pi-Hole
- name: Create Pi-Hole Directory
become: yes
shell: |
sudo mkdir -p /opt/pihole/{etc,dnsmasq.d}
sudo chown -R {{ lookup('file', '.ssh/username') }}:{{ lookup('file', '.ssh/username') }} /opt/pihole
executable: /bin/bash
# .ssh/username
# <remote_user_with_nopasswd_sudo_and_docker_management_access>
- name: Copy Pi-Hole Resolve Configuration
src: conf/resolv.conf
dest: /opt/pihole/resolv.conf
# conf/resolv.conf
# nameserver
# options ndots:0
- name: Create Pi-Hole Network
name: pihole
- name: Deploy Pi-Hole
name: pihole
hostname: pihole
image: pihole/pihole:2021.12.1
- net_admin
- "53:53/tcp"
- "53:53/udp"
- "67:67/udp"
- "8080:80/tcp"
- name: pihole
TZ: Europe/Budapest
DNSSEC: 'true'
REV_SERVER: 'false'
- /opt/pihole/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf # Fix for Gravity Update DNS resolution error
- /opt/pihole/etc:/etc/pihole
- /opt/pihole/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "dig +short +norecurse +retry=0 @ pi.hole || exit 1"]
# interval: 5s
# start_period: 5s
# retries: 3
# timeout: 3s
restart_policy: unless-stopped