Code change: <>.
Code change: <>.
- [API Change]: Rename Shell subcommand peppa ast to peppa parse. #123.
- [Performance]: Optimize the code to reduce errmsg string printf calls. #122.
- [Performance]: Optimize the code to reduce frame malloc by keeping unused frame. #121.
- [Performance]: Optimize the code to reduce backref malloc in sequence matching. #120.
- [Performance]: Optimize the code to reduce strlen call in literal matching. #119.
- [Enhancement]: Shell support reading files from a glob pattern. #118.
- [Example]: Added Golang grammar written in Peppa PEG Specification. #117.
- [Bug Fix]: Non-terminal choice should lift the only child. #116.
- [API Change]: Rename Cut operator to ~. #115 <#115>.
- [Feature]: Support Left Recursion. #112, #113, #114.
Code change: <>.
- [Documentation]: Upgrade Peppa PEG Specification and fixed various bugs. #111.
- [Tests]: Introduced JSON-based TINOUT-style test specs. #103 #105 #106.
- [Feature]: New shell command: peppa ast. #102 #104.
- [Feature]: Install a command-line utility peppa if -DENABLE_CLI=On. #101.
- [Enhancement]: Support installing shared library to the system via make install. #100.
- [Feature]: Extend range category to support Unicode Property & General Category. #99.
- [Example]: Provide an example of Peppa definition of Toml v1.0 specification. #98 #107 #108 #109.
- [Performance]: Optimize the code to reduce the call frames in runtime. #97.
- [Feature]: Upgrade insensitive to support both literal and back reference. #96.
- [Feature]: Support back reference in Peppa specification. #95.
- [Enhancement]: Improved the error message. #93 #94.
Code change: <>.
- [Enhancement]: Support an additional callback for catch_err(). This is internal. #92.
- [Bug Fix]: Fix wrong lineno:offset from the error output. #91.
- [Feature]: New PEG expression: @cut. #90.
- [API Change]: P4_JsonifySourceAst now doesn't require grammar in the parameters. #89.
- [Enhancement]: Wrap errors with catch_err / catch_oom in the .c implementation. #88
- [Bug Fix]: Error report now can display correct lineno:offset information. #87.
- [API Change]: P4_RuleID is now deprecated. Please use string (char*) for finding a rule. #84 #86.
- [API Change]: struct P4_Grammar, struct P4_Expression, struct P4_Frame are now private structures. However, you can still access P4_Grammar, P4_Expression as typedefs.
- [Example]: Added a example TOML v1.0 parser. #81.
- [Feature]: New escape type: xXX. This allows terser form for ASCII chars. #80.
- [API Change]: u{XXXX} is now deprecated. Please use uXXXX or UXXXXXXXX. #79.
- [API Change]: P4_Token is now renamed to P4_Node. #78.
Code change: <>.
- [Enhancement]: Explicitly specify the expected rule & the position where error occurs. #70 #71 #72 #74 #75
Code change: <>.
- [Feature]: Support Comment for PEG Grammar. #69
- [Feature]: Support Unicode Character Categories for P4_Range. #65, #67
Code change: <>.
- [Feature]: Allow setting arbitrary number of @spaced rules. #66
- [Feature]: Add P4_AcquireSourceAst. #64
- [Example]: Add tutjson page to docs. #63
- [Feature]: Add P4_ResetSource. #62
- [Feature]: Add P4_InspectSourceAst. #61
- [Feature]: Customize malloc/free/realloc. #60
Code change: <>.
- [Feature]: Support . (maps to [u{1}-u{10ffff}]). #59
- [Example]: Refactor the JSON example to use PEG API. #58
- [Feature]: Jsonify token AST using grammar rule name. #57
- [Feature]: Added function: P4_LoadGrammar. #56
Code change: <>.
- [Test]: Enable Valgrind for gcc check. #55
- [Feature]: Support specifying a name for a grammar rule. #53
- [Feature]: Added Lineno and Col Offset for P4_Tokens. #52
- [Feature]: Support parsing a subset of source input (P4_SetSourceSlice). #51
- [Feature]: Added a new flag: P4_FLAG_NON_TERMINAL. #50
Code change: <>.
- [Bugfix]: Support non-ASCII case insensitive literal match. #48 #49
- [Feature]: Allow user setting Userdata for P4_Tokens. #47
- [Feature]: Print source ast in JSON format. #46
Code change: <>.
- [Enhancement]: Provided P4_GetErrorString. #45
- [Feature]: Added Join. #44
- [Example]: Wrote an Calculator example in Peppa PEG. #43
- [Feature]: Added StartOfInput and EndOfInput. #42
- [Feature]: Added parameter stride for Range. #41
Code change: <>.
- [Enhancement]: Replaced token->expr with token->rule_id. #40
- [Bugfix]: Insert no whitespace while spacing is ongoing. #39
- [Example]: JSON example parser passes full JSON test suite. #37
- [Enhancement]: Support Emoji 🐷 #36
- [Bugfix]: Return NULL if CreateExpression receives invalid parameters. #35
- [Test]: Build docs & tests using GitHub Actions. #32, #34
Code change: <>.
- Added option sensitive For BackReference. #31.
- Full ANSI C support for peppapeg.c. #30.
- Generate Website for Documentation. #29. Check it out: <>.
Code change: <>.
- Feature: Added P4_ReplaceGrammarRule and P4_SetGrammarCallback. #28.
- Added some documentation for data structures.
- Example: Make JSON example RFC7159 compatible. #25.
- Bugfix: Replace int with size_t. #22, #23.
- Experiment: Add Python Binding. #20, #24.
Code change: <>.
- Feature: Added P4_GetRecursionLimit and P4_SetRecursionLimit. (#19).
- Performance Optimization: the performance is now 10x faster than 1.2.0. (#15, #16, #17, #18.
- Bugfix: Memory leak fixed. #14.
- Example: Write a JSON Parser using Peppa PEG. #13.
- Example: Write a Mustache Parser using Peppa PEG. #12.
- Bugfix: Raise P4_AdvanceError if repeated expression consumes no input. #11.
- Add New Expression Kind: P4_BackReference. (#10)
- Change the return value to P4_Error for P4_AddGrammarRule. (#9)
- Added P4_GetSourcePosition. (#8)
- C89 compliant. (#7)
- Add PUBLIC(P4_Error) P4_SetGrammarRuleFlag. (#6)
- Example: Write an INI Parser using Peppa PEG. (#5)
- Has/Get error and error message (#4)
- Turn Get/Set Whitespaces as PRIVATE functions. (#3)
- AddSequenceMembers/AddChoicMembers functions. (#2)
- Add ExpressionFlag Getter/Setter Functions. (#1)
Kia Ora! This is the very fist release of Peppa PEG! It was strongly influenced by [Pest](