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Basics to Advanced C programming course for HackHarbor 2.0

Day-wise Syllabus

Day 1 - Introduction to C Programming

Overview of C and it's applications

  • Setting Up the Environment: Installing GCC and VSCode
  • Basic Syntax and Structure
  • Writing and running the first program ("Hello, World!")
  • Variables and Data Types: Integers, floats, characters, and basic I/O functions
  • Operators and Expressions:
    • Arithmetic Operators: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus
    • Relational and Logical Operators
    • Increment and Decrement Operators
    • Assignment Operators
    • Type Casting and Type Conversion

Day 2 - Control Structures and Types of Errors

Conditional Statements and Loops

  • Conditional Statements: if, else if, else, switch statements
  • Loops: for, while, do-while loops

Errors - Types and definitions

  • Syntax Errors
  • Semantic Errors
  • Logical Errors
  • Runtime Errors

Day 3 - Functions

  • Function Basics: Definition, declaration, and calling functions
  • Parameters and Return Values
  • Scope and Lifetime of Variables
  • Recursive Functions

Day 4 - Arrays

  • Introduction to Arrays: creating arrays, accessing elements, and basic operations
    • One-Dimentional Arrays
    • Two-Dimentional Arrays

Day 5 - Strings and Pointers

  • Strings in C: String handling functions, array of characters, and standard library functions (strlen, strcpy, strcmp, etc.)
  • Pointers: Definition, declaration, usage and pointer arithmetic

Day 6 - Dynamic Memory Allocation

  • Difference between static and dynamic memory allocation
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions:
    • malloc() - memory allocation
    • calloc() - contiguous allocation
    • realloc() - re-allocation
    • free()
  • Comparision between malloc() and calloc()

Day 7 - Structures and Unions

  • Structures: Definition, declaration, and accessing members
  • Array of Structures
  • Nested Structures
  • Unions: Definition, declaration, and accessing members
  • Difference between Structures and Unions

Day 8 - File Handling

  • File Operations: Opening, reading, writing, and closing files
  • File Modes: Text and binary modes
  • Error Handling in File Operations
  • Standard Library Functions for File Handling

Day 9 - Data Structures

  • Data Structures: Definiton, types and usage
  • Stacks: Implementation using arrays, push and pop operations
  • Queues: Implementation using arrays, enqueue and dequeue operations
  • Circular Queue: Implementation and operations

Day 10 - Data Structures (Linked Lists)

  • Singly Linked Lists: Implementation, insertion, deletion, and traversal
  • Doubly Linked Lists: Implementation, insertion, deletion, and traversal
  • Circular Singly Linked Lists: Implementation, insertion, deletion, and traversal
  • Circular Doubly Linked Lists: Implementation, insertion, deletion, and traversal