Graph Matching stores and performs graph operations related to S-Graphs.
The source code is released under GPLv3 License .
Author: Jose Andres Millan Romera
Affiliation: University of Luxembourg
Maintainer: Jose Andres Millan Romera,
The graph_matching package has been tested under [ROS2] Humble on Ubuntu 20.04. This is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.
The only tested ROS version for this package is ROS2 Humble
- pip install networkx[default]
- pip install -U scikit-learn
To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using
cd catkin_workspace/src
git clone
cd ../
colcon build
Run the unit tests with
catkin_make run_tests_ros_package_template
Run the main node with
ros2 launch graph_matching
Run the main and tester node with
ros2 launch graph_matching
Config file folder/set 1
- config_file_1.yaml Shortly explain the content of this config file
Config file folder/set 2
- ...
- : Launch of graph matching node
- : Launch of graph matching node and, a second later, the tester node
Stores and performs graph operations related to S-Graphs.
([graph_matching_msgs/SubgraphMatchSrv])Returns the subgraph match (list of pairs of nodes) most probable, subject to matching type. NOT SUPPORTED AT THE MOMENT
ros2 service call /subgraph_match_srv
(string, default: "/temperature")The name of the input topic.
(int, default: 200, min: 0, max: 1000)The size of the cache.