This repository is a fork of docker-cvs2git
- This is a Dockerfile that includes all of the packages needed to run
to convert your CVS repository into agit
repository. - Centos7 based
docker build --network host -t cvs2git .
docker run -it -v /path/to/project:/cvs -v /path/to/wanted/git/repo:/git -v /path/to/log/output:/tmp/cvs_migration cvs2git
- Migration with History
- Use the included Dockerfile to access
- Convert as mush history as possible
- Push to GitHub
- Use the included Dockerfile to access
You will need access to the entire source code including the CVSROOT
Example: /path/to/cvs
- `/path/to/cvs`
- inside should be the various projects and `CVSROOT`
- Run the command to convert the CVS to Git
cd /cvs/<project>
cvs2git --blobfile=/git/git-blob.dat --dumpfile=/git/git-dump.dat --username=<SomeUserName> --fallback-encoding=ascii <project> >> /tmp/cvs_migration/<project>.log
- Once the command finishes, you should have a new git object ready to be created
cd /git
- Create a new empty git repo
git init project
- Change directory into new Git Repo
cd <project>
- Import the git data to the repo
cat /git/git-blob.dat /git/git-dump.dat | git fast-import
- Cleanup the data
git gc --prune=now
- Add a
to remove CVS history filesecho "CVSROOT" >> .gitignore
- Add all data to the repo
git add .
- Update the repo to point to the GitHub repo
git remote add origin<org>/<repo>.git
git config --global "<>"
git config --global "<Khal Drogo>"
git config --global push.followTags true
- Create commit message
git commit -m "Conversion from CVS to Git"
- Push the code to GitHub
git push origin master
git push --all
git push --tags
At this point you should have now pushed all data from the converted CVS repo into GitHub!
The Docker container that is built from this repository is located at