It makes use of the Middleman's external pipeline allowing for subprocesses to run alongside the dev server through custom integrations with packages like Webpack.
It runs Webpack for quicker sass compilation, ES6, and makes React gloablly available from the get go.
It also uses Haml, Sass, and Bourbon.
The project runs on middleman, so you'll want to get that set up:
sudo gem install middleman
Then run the bundler to ensure the necessary gems are installed:
bundle install
NPM is used for package management:
npm install
If you want to use Bourbon, install it manually by going into source/stylesheets:
bourbon install
To get running, start the middleman server:
The site is now running at
Middleman builds to a static build
folder in the root of the project. To create/update this simply run:
middleman build
Builds the site as described above and then deploys it via rsync, ftp, sftp, or git. By default this will push to Github Pages if you have a gh-pages branch setup for your repository.
middleman deploy