This is currently a basic port to the CYD without any display output or touch input. Their is also a problem with phantom characters in the console input. Hopefully this will change in the future...
To build z80pack for this device you need to have the SDK for ESP32-based devices installed and configured. The SDK manual has detailed instructions how to install on all major PC platforms, it is available here: ESP-IDF Programming Guide
Then clone the GitHub repositories:
- clone z80pack: git clone
- checkout dev branch: cd z80pack; git checkout dev; cd ..
- clone this: git clone
To build the application:
cd cyd-80 build
Flash into the device with flash
, and then prepare a MicroSD card.
In the root directory of the card create these directories:
Into the CODE80 directory copy all the .bin files from src-examples. Into the DISKS80 directory copy the disk images from disks.