Leveraging container technologies to build Red Team tools
Containers are an effective way to configure, deploy, and use Red Team tools.
Containerizing offensive security tools provides the following benefits:
- Consistent setup and configuration (Single command builds)
- Documented setup process (Dockerfiles)
- Deployable to cloud services (e.g. recon scans, c2 infra, team services)
For more information on setting up Docker check out Arsenal/Tools/Docker
docker build -t <image_name> <tool_directory>
Building one of the tools using the Dockerfile in each tool directory
docker run -it <image_name> <arguments>
Running the tool after building the image
- C2concealer
- Dirbpy
- Dirsearch
- Emailharvester
- FFuF
- HardCIDR
- Infra
- socat-http-redirector
- Java (OpenJDK)
- Kali-Linux
- Linode_cli
- Metasploit
- Metasploit Nightly Installer (deprecated)
- Ncrack
- Ngrok (instructions only)
- Nmap (Includes ncrack)
- Nmap-small
- Pivot-lab
- PyDNSRecon-Deprecated
- PyDNSRecon-Passive-Deprecated
- PyDNSRecon-m1-Deprecated
- Pyfiscan
- PyReconer-Deprecated
- Searchsploit
- Shodan
- Ultra-Recon
- WhatWeb
- Wordlists
Tools Containerized through autobuilds on Docker Hub can be found here
docker run it sneakerhax\<image_name> <arguments>
Running a tool listed on Docker Hub