to run these files, I recommend moving them to separate directories because they all create multiple data files
install gfortran and gnuplot
compile each code with gfortran and then run the executable gnuplot the data files created by the executable
here are some of the graphs created by the codes
angular position, velocity, and acceleration of a pendulum calculated using formula for acceleration and the verlet method
mechanical energy within the pendulum system calculated using the verlet method ^^
orbital trajectory calculated using runge-kutta 4
orbital trajectory calculated using runge-kutta 4
trajectory of a particle within a magnetic and electric field (i think?) calculated using runge-kutta 4
trajectory of an object in freefall with some initial velocity (from real test data)
trajectory of an object in freefall with some intitial velocity (calculated using the code)
more 3d freefall trajectories (calculated with a code)