A wrapper for Citrix Cloud CVAD API. You do not require the installed SDK anymore. With this module you can manage your clients cloud infrastructure from anywhere. Start with the Connect-CTXAPI function to connect, it will create the needed headers for the other functions.
- Install from PowerShell Gallery PS Gallery
Install-Module -Name CTXCloudApi -Verbose
- or run this script to install from GitHub GitHub Repo
$CurrentLocation = Get-Item .
$ModuleDestination = (Join-Path (Get-Item (Join-Path (Get-Item $profile).Directory 'Modules')).FullName -ChildPath CTXCloudApi)
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/smitpi/CTXCloudApi $ModuleDestination 2>&1 | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-Location $ModuleDestination
git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter Output HEAD 2>&1 | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-Location $CurrentLocation
- Then import the module into your session
Import-Module CTXCloudApi -Verbose -Force
- or run these commands for more help and details.
Get-Command -Module CTXCloudApi
Get-Help about_CTXCloudApi
Documentation can be found at: Github_Pages