A python wrapper for the bladerf python bindings from Nuand. It provides synchronous as well as asynchronous functionality to send and receive data to and from the BladeRF SDR.
- To install the requirements for this package:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- To install system-wide:
sudo python3 setup.py install
- To install for your user:
python3 setup.py install
Below is an example of how to use the asynchronous wrapper with a python context manager and an asynchronous generator to continuously receive samples from the SDR for 5 seconds.
import asyncio
import bladerf
from bladerfsdraio import AioBladeRF
async def main():
with AioBladeRF() as sdr:
ch_rx = sdr.Channel(bladerf.CHANNEL_RX(0))
ch_rx.sample_rate = 1e6
ch_rx.frequency = 1e9
async def stream_samples(sdr: AioBladeRF):
async for samples in sdr.stream_samples_async(ch_rx, chunk_size=1024):
# .. handle samples
async def cancel_after(secs: float, sdr: AioBladeRF):
await asyncio.sleep(secs)
await asyncio.gather(
cancel_after(5, sdr)
if __name__ == '__main__':