If you are looking for the original Tank Inspector, find it here.
Tank Inspector PRO is the professional version of Tank Inspector, which is a famous utility program of World of Tanks.
Tank Inspector PRO project was launched with a crowd-funding project at indiegogo. It was originally designed as a commercial service program, however the developers decided to make it free and open source.
Tank Inspector PRO is in its alpha stage, it's not fully functional yet, however most of its features are working well. For now we don't have a binary release, but it is still possible to grab the source code and build yourself.
This repository contains the full source of Tank Inspector PRO, organized in a Visual Studio 2015 solution. You will need .NET Framework 4.0 and DirectX 9.0 installed on your computer. All other referenced third-party libraries are included in the respository (under the Libraries folder), so generally you can clone the source code and build with the Smellyriver.TankInspector.Pro.sln file.
We don't have wizards nor guidiance made in the program (yet), so it is still a bit of difficult to use. Generally, you will need to add a game client by clicking the Add button on the top-right corner of the Game Clients page, which should be shown on the first time you run Tank Inspector PRO. After that, you can use the Game Client Explorer and Museum panel to find tanks. You can view tank stats, models and armor schemas by right-clicking a tank - practically everything could be found in menus, try to explore it.
Tank Inspector PRO is in its alpha stage, it's not fully functional yet. You are most welcome to contribute and improve this program.