This small project is used for install Linux servers with Zabbix 6.0 LTS Agents 2 and Auto-Registration to some Zabbix Server - Demo for Zabbix EDU
- Package on desktop - google-cloud-sdk - Google Cloud SDK for Google Cloud Platform
By Google Cloud SDK is intalled servers srv0X. After instalation run scripts for install Zabbix Agent 2.
- Install and configure srv01 - RockyLinux 9
- Install and configure srv02 - Debian 11
- Install and configure srv03 - Ubuntu 22.04
- Install and configure srv04 - RHEL 9
- Install and configure srv05 - SLES 15 sp4
- Install and configure srv06 - FreeBSD 13
- Install and configure zabbix_agent2
- Install and configure Apache httpd
- Configure Google Cloud SDK
gcloud config set compute/zone [ZONE]
gcloud config set compute/region [REGION]
gcloud config set project [PROJECT]
- Create VM srv01 - srv06
- Connect to srv0X VM
gcloud compute ssh srv01 --zone=europe-west6-b
sudo su -
- List Zabbix srv0X VM and external IPv4
gcloud compute instances list | awk '{print $1" - http://"$5}' | grep srv0
srv01 -
srv02 -
srv03 -
srv04 -
srv05 -
srv06 -
- Create DNS records via cloudflare API
cli4 --post name='srv01' type=A content="" /zones/
cli4 --post name='srv02' type=A content="" /zones/
cli4 --post name='srv03' type=A content="" /zones/
cli4 --post name='srv04' type=A content="" /zones/
cli4 --post name='srv05' type=A content="" /zones/
cli4 --post name='srv05' type=A content="" /zones/
- Create HTML list of running EDU VM
- Zabbxi Auto-Registration with Enctrypted comunication
- Ansible configuration
- Other ...