This small project is used for install zabbix6_agent, zabbix6_frontend and zabbix6_server with mysql82-server or postgresql15-server with timescaledb-2.11.1 on OS FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE.
- Package zabbix - zabbix6-server
- Packahe apache - apache24-2.4.57_1 - Version 2.4.x of Apache web server
- Package php - mod_php82-8.2.8 - PHP Scripting Language
- Package mysql - mysql80-server-8.0.33 - Multithreaded SQL database (server)
- Package postgresql - postgresql15-server-15.3 - PostgreSQL is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere
- Package timescaledb - timescaledb-2.11.1 - Time-series database built on PostgreSQL
On Linux desktop run vagrant with vagrant-libvirt and vagrant-disksize. For test install and configure zabbix_server and other component by ansible on FreeBSD 13.2 Or use GCP or BHyVe.
For ready function Vagrantfile is need use plugin vagrant-disksize
vagrant plugin install virtualbox
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
Vagrant use Vagrantfile
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo su -
portsnap fetch && portsnap extract
- Vagrant also configure network public_network, sshd - PermitRootLogin yes, set up root password and install ansible package
The Vagrantfile was initialized as follows.
vagrant init freebsd/FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE
gcloud config set project zabbix-test
gcloud compute instances create zabbix-server --image freebsd-13-2-release-amd64 --image-project=freebsd-org-cloud-dev --zone=europe-central2-a --metadata-from-file startup-script=./scripts/
gcloud compute instances add-tags zabbix-server --tags=http-server --zone=europe-central2-a
gcloud compute ssh zabbix-server --zone=europe-central2-a
vm image list -l | grep fbsd14
3304b088-9b5b-11ee-9629-c87f54065582 fbsd14 Fri Dec 15 16:04:09 CET 2023 FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-p4-base-install
vm image provision 3304b088-9b5b-11ee-9629-c87f54065582 freebsd
Unpacking guest image, this may take some time...
vm snapshot freebsd@20231220
vm start freebsd
Starting freebsd
* found guest in /vms/freebsd
* booting...
vm list | grep freebsd
freebsd default bhyveload 2 2048M - No Running (91460)
vm console freebsd
vm snapshot freebsd@2023122001-base
zfs list -t snapshot | grep freebsd
zroot/vms/freebsd@20231123 96K - 112K -
zroot/vms/freebsd@2023122001-base 68K - 116K -
zroot/vms/freebsd/disk0@20231123 456M - 1.36G -
zroot/vms/freebsd/disk0@2023122001-base 1.95M - 3.00G -
- install ssh public key to FreeBSD for Vagrant
ssh-keygen -f "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "${VAGRANT_IP}"
cd ~/.ssh && ssh-copy-id -i root@${VAGRANT_IP}
cd ${HOME}/work/freebsd-zabbix-server
- test Ansible communication for Vagrant
ansible "*" -i "${VAGRANT_IP}," -u root -m ping | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
- test Ansible communication
sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts
freebsd ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python3.9
ansible fbsd-zabbix-server -m ping
Use Ansible community collection zabbix, general, mysql and postgresql. And pkgng, portinstall module, etc.
ansible-galaxy collection install community.zabbix
- choise version of zabbix
- ansible use module community.general.portinstall
ansible-playbook playbooks/zabbix5-server-mysql.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/zabbix6-server-mysql.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/zabbix6-server-postgresql.yml
- configure zabbix server by API
ansible-playbook playbooks/configure-zabbix.yml
- Upgrade package from ports
- curl - curl-7.82.0
- apache24 - apache24-2.4.55
- php - php81-8.1.13
- postgresql - postgresql14-server-15.1
- ansible - py39-ansible-5.5.0
- ansible-core - py39-ansible-core-2.12.4
portsnap fetch && portsnap update && pkg version -v | grep upd
portupgrade -a
- Fix problem with import data.sql and timescaledb.sql (py39-psycopg2) largre SQL