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File metadata and controls

199 lines (132 loc) · 5.39 KB

Slick Contract

Slick builder APIs for Arweave smart contract creation


npm install @smartweaver/slick-contract

Usage - Creating a Contract and State File

This is a simple example showing how to:

  • define an initial state;
  • define a contract object using the initial state;
  • add actions to the contract; and
  • providing the contract to the exported handle() function.


  1. Create your state.ts file.

    // File: state.ts
    export const state = {
      users: {},
      posts: {},
  2. Create your contract.ts file.

    // File: contract.ts
    import { Contract } from "@smartweaver/slick-contract/mod.js";
    import { state } from "./state.ts";
    declare const ContractError;
    // Create your contract
    const contract = Contract
      .builder()                             // Access the `Contract` class' builder
      .initialState<typeof state>()          // Call `initialState()` and (optionally) pass your state's typing
      .action("add_user", (context) => {     // Now you can add actions to modify the state
        const { input } = context.action;    // The `input` object is in the `context.action` field
        const { id, name } = input.payload;  // If we have a user in `input.payload` ...
        context.state.users[id] = { name };  // ... then we can add the user to the state
        return context;                      // Return the `context` object to "end" the action
      .build();                              // Build your contract when you are done (this returns a `.handle()` method)
    // Export the required handle function
    export async function handle(state, action) {
      const context = { state, action };     // Create a `context`` object. This becomes the `context` param
                                             // in the `.action("some_name", (context) => { ... })` methods.
      try {
        const result = await contract        // Pass the `context` object to your contract to get a `result`
        return { state: result.state };      // The `result` will contain the `state` object that you return.
                                             // Returning the `state` is required. See the following:
      } catch (e) {
        const message = e.message            // Slick Contract's internals only throw `Error` objects. They
          ? e.message                        // not throw `ContractError` objects. You have to throw the
          : "We hit an error. Sorry!";       // `ContractError` object yourself like how it is shown here.
        throw new ContractError(message);
  3. Build your contract.ts file (and optionally your state.ts file).

    npx @smartweaver/slick-contract build contract.ts state.ts

    The above command will create:

    • a file in the same directory as your contract.ts file; and
    • a file in the same directory as your state.ts file.

    These are the files you deploy to the Arweave network.

    Note: This script tries to be smart about ensuring your built contract file has a valid export async function handle(...), but please verify this manually. Otherwise your contract might not work in the Arweave network.

Usage - CLI

The CLI only exists to help you build your contract. It only:

  • bundles your contract file into a single .js file; and
  • converts your state file from .ts|.js to .json.

You can run the CLI using:

npx @smartweaver/slick-contract <COMMAND> <CONTRACT_FILE> [STATE_FILE]

The full CLI usage is below:

    npx @smartweaver/slick-contract <COMMAND> <CONTRACT_FILE> [STATE_FILE]


    npx @smartweaver/slick-contract build src/contract.ts src/state.ts


    The commands for this script are as follows:

    build        Build your contract's source and state files

Data Types

Slick Contract has a strict syntax. It requires the action and context objects to match the data types below. Validation is performed on these objects to ensure they are in the correct data type format. If not, an error will be thrown with a message showing how to correct the objects.

Action Objects

The action argument in the handle function should have the following Action data type shown below:

type Action = {
  input: {
    function: string;
    payload?: any;

export function handle(state: any, action: Action) {
  // ... code shortened for brevity

Context Objects

The context argument in the .action("some_name", (context) => { ... }) method should have the following Context data type shown below:

// ... code shortened for brevity

type Action = {
  input: {
    function: string;
    payload?: any;

type Context = {
  state: any;
  action: Action;

export function handle(state: any, action: Action) {

  try {

    const context: Context = { state, action };
    const result = contract.handle(context);
    return { state: result.state };

  } catch (error) {

    throw new ContractError(error.message);

