Поблагодарить автора: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/efektalab
Thank the author: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/EfektaLab
Телеграм чат DIY Devices - https://t.me/diy_devices
Продажа DIY Устройств - https://t.me/diydevmart
Ordering PCB - https://www.pcbway.com/setinvite.aspx?inviteid=550959
(in the beginning it was based on the Source Code of theDIYRUZ Flower Project - https://github.com/diyruz/flower)
Powered by SoC CC2530, the sensor is based on a capacitive measurement method. The sensor is powered by a CR 2032, CR2450, CR2477, ААА batteries.
You can buy a ready-made device by writing to the mail hello@efektalab.com
Video: https://youtu.be/DzgeWvG4MEI
You can make your own pcb here - https://www.pcbway.com/setinvite.aspx?inviteid=550959
(the firmware from the old version will not work correctly)
I recommend ordering PCB here - https://www.pcbway.com/setinvite.aspx?inviteid=550959
CC2530 E18-MS1-PCB - https://ali.ski/v8RP7i (10pcs)
CC2530 E18-MS1-PCB - https://ali.ski/o_TBGP
Tantalum Capacitor 220uF - https://ali.ski/VApfn
SMD LED 0805 - https://ali.ski/wb6ZP
1% SMD Resistor Kit Assorted Kit 1R-1M 0603 - https://ali.ski/npItF
SMD Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor 0603 10pF 50V - https://ali.ski/p3yr60
SMD Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor 0603 100nF 50V - https://ali.ski/p3yr60
1N4148WS - https://ali.ski/cOCdto
Cell Holder CR2450 - https://ali.ski/VdotsA
Micro Button Tact Switch SMD 4Pin 3X4X2.5 - https://ali.ski/sGwFu
IRLML6402TRPBF - https://ali.ski/_iNbX
Micro Screws M1.4 5mm - https://ali.ski/gaFdO
Download the Smart RF Flash Programmer V1 https://www.ti.com/tool/FLASH-PROGRAMMER
Open the application select the HEX firmware file
Connect the device with wires to CCDebugger, first erase the chip, then flash it.
https://github.com/sigma7i/zigbee-wiki/wiki/zigbee-firmware-install (RU)
- https://github.com/smartboxchannel/Plant-Watering-Sensor-Zigbee/blob/main/majordomo-zigbee2mqtt/README.md (MJD https://mjdm.ru/)
- Open z2m, make sure that joining is prohibited
- Insert the battery into the device
- Click on the icon in z2m - allow joining (you have 180 seconds to add the device)
- Go to the LOGS tab
- Press the reset button on the device (the join procedure will begin, еhe device starts flashing the LED repeatedly)
- Wait, in case of successfull join, device will flash led 5 times, if join failed, device will flash led 2 times
- Open z2m, make sure that joining is prohibited
- Insert the battery into the device
- Click on the icon in z2m - allow joining (you have 180 seconds to add the device)
- Go to the LOGS tab
- Press and hold button (1) for 2-3 seconds, until device start flashing the LED repeatedly
- Wait, in case of successfull join, device will flash led 5 times, if join failed, device will flash led 2 times
- Hold button (1) for 10 seconds, this will reset device to FN(factory new) status
- Click on the icon in z2m - allow joining (you have 180 seconds to add the device)
- Go to the LOGS tab
- Press and hold button (1) for 2-3 seconds, until device start flashing the LED repeatedly
- Wait, in case of successfull join, device will flash led 5 times, if join failed, device will flash led 2 times
- Find the device in the list of z2m devices and delete it by applying force remove
- Click on the icon in z2m - allow joining (you have 180 seconds to add the device)
- Go to the LOGS tab
- Press the reset button on the device (the join procedure will begin, еhe device starts flashing the LED repeatedly)
- Wait, in case of successfull join, device will flash led 5 times, if join failed, device will flash led 2 times
- Open configuration.yaml in the editor.
- Find the friendly_name of your device.
- For example to add a temperature calibration you need to add the string temperature_calibration: 5.
All configuration parameters are described in the Options section ( https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/EFEKTA_PWS.html )
If a device does not connect to your coordinator, please try the following:
- Power off all routers in your network.
- Move the device near to your coordinator (about 1 meter). or if you cannot disable routers (for example, internal switches), you may try the following: 2.1. Disconnect an external antenna from your coordinator. 2.2. Move a device to your coordinator closely (1-3 centimeters).
- Power on, power on the device.
- Restart your coordinator (for example, restart Zigbee2MQTT if you use it).
If the device has not fully passed the join
- If the device is visible in the list of z2m devices, remove it by applying force remove
- Restart your coordinator (for example, restart Zigbee2MQTT if you use it).
- Click on the icon in z2m - allow joining (you have 180 seconds to add the device)
- Go to the LOGS tab
- Press and hold button (1) for 2-3 seconds, until device start flashing the LED repeatedly
- Wait, in case of successfull join, device will flash led 5 times, if join failed, device will flash led 2 times
Please, ensure the following:
- Your power source is OK (a battery has more than 3V). You can temporarily use an external power source for testings (for example, from a debugger).
- The RF part of your E18 board works. You can upload another firmware to it and try to pair it with your coordinator. Or you may use another coordinator and build a separate Zigbee network for testing.
- Your coordinator has free slots for direct connections.
- You permit joining on your coordinator.
- Your device did not join to other opened Zigbee network. When you press and hold the button, it should flash every 3-4 seconds. It means that the device in the joining state.