This document describes the battery pass application deployment steps in using helm charts. In order to deploy the app components, the following artifacts are required.
NOTE: This tutorial demonstrates the deployment of the application on Argo CD infrastructure. It is assumed that the infrastructure is already configured. Further documentation about the Argo CD. What is Argo CD platform?
Link to the Integration environment: ArgoCD - Product Material Passport
- dpp-frontend
- dpp-backend
After signing in into the account, you can see the allocated space inside the namespace 'product-material-pass' and project 'project-material-pass' for the digital product pass team. The new app should be created inside this space.
Create new app from the top-left corner button. Fill out the following required fields.
- Application Name: <APP_NAME> (e.g., edc-consumer, digital-product-pass)
- Project: project-material-pass
- Source: Git repository where the application artifacts are stored (
- Revision: select branch or a tag
- Path: The path to the deployment (possible values: deployment/infrastructure/data-consumer/edc-consumer, deployment/infrastructure/data-provider/edc-provider, charts/digital-product-pass)
- Cluster URL: https://kubernetes.default.svc
- Namespace: product-material-pass
- Plugin: argocd-vault-plugin-helm-args
- Set following helm args with the corresponding application:
- digital-product-pass: set ENV as helm_args = -f values.yaml'
- edc-consumer: set ENV as helm_args = -f values.yaml'
- edc-provider: set ENV as helm_args = -f values.yaml'
- Set following helm args with the corresponding application:
Click on 'Create' button
- Go inside the application and sync it. It would take some time to get synced.
- Go to the individual logs tab
If everything works fine then the application is deployed...
The dpp frontend is a consumer user interface application for the digital product passports that interacts with the end-user and displays passports. The steps above will be followed to deploy the consumer frontend component.
In the end, the frontend should be accessible at You would be redirected to the CatenaX central IDP and can see the login page after company selection.
- Company Selection: CX-Test-Access
- User 1: Role: Dismantler, user: company 1 user, Password: changeme
- User 2: Role: Recycler, user: company 2 user, Password: changeme
- CX:XYZ78901:BAT-XYZ789 (with child components)
- CX:XYZ78901:IMR18650V1 (without child components)
The consumer backend is a Java based spring boot application which implements the service modules and business layer to manage the passports in frontend component.
Open API documentation in Swagger
# Creating basic helm chart
helm create <CHART_NAME>
# Building chart dependencies
helm dependency build <SOURCE>
# Updating chart dependencies
helm dependency update <SOURCE>
# Installing helm release
helm install <CHART_NAME> -f myvalues.yaml ./SOURCE
# Uninstalling helm release
helm uninstall <CHART_NAME>
# Listing helm releases
helm list
helm repo add [NAME] [URL] [flags]
helm repo list / helm repo ls
helm repo remove [REPO1] [flags]
helm repo update / helm repo up
helm repo update [REPO1] [flags]
helm repo index [DIR] [flags]
helm pull [chart URL | repo/chartname] [...] [flags] ## this would download a helm, not install
helm pull --untar [rep/chartname] # untar the chart after downloading it