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101 lines (91 loc) · 7.74 KB


Version: 4.3.1 Type: application AppVersion: 0.41.0

An SSO and OAuth login solution for nginx using the auth_request module.



Name Email Url

Source Code


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
args list [] arguments to command for container
command list [] Allow to specify an alternate command before launching vouch example: command: ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'source /vault/secrets/config && /vouch-proxy']
config.oauth.authUrl string "" authentication url from your oidc provider
config.oauth.callbackUrls list [] valid callback urls to use, example
config.oauth.clientId string "" clientID from your provider
config.oauth.clientSecret string "" clientSecret from your provider
config.oauth.endSessionEndpoint string "" end session endpoint is usually the IdP's logout URL
config.oauth.existingSecret string "" existingSecret for clientId, clientSecret, authUrl, tokenUrl, userInfoUrl, scopes, callbackUrls, and preferredDomain. If this value is not empty, we will ignore all of those plain text values and only use your secret keys
config.oauth.preferredDomain string "" preferred domain
config.oauth.provider string "" oauth2 provider, such as keycloak
config.oauth.scopes list [] array of scopes to get from the provider e.g. [openid, email, profile]
config.oauth.secretKeys.authUrl string "authUrl" secret key in oauth.existingSecret for authentication url from your oidc provider
config.oauth.secretKeys.callbackUrls string "callbackUrls" secret key in oauth.existingSecret for commas seperated list of valid callback urls to use, example value for your key in your existing secert: ','
config.oauth.secretKeys.clientId string "clientId" secret key in oauth.existingSecret for the clientID from your provider
config.oauth.secretKeys.clientSecret string "clientSecret" secret key in oauth.existingSecret for clientSecret from your provider
config.oauth.secretKeys.endSessionEndpoint string "endSessionEndpoint" secret key in oauth.existingSecret for your end session end_session_endpoint
config.oauth.secretKeys.preferredDomain string "preferredDomain" secret key in oauth.existingSecret for your preferred domain
config.oauth.secretKeys.tokenUrl string "tokenUrl" secret key in oauth.existingSecret for token url from your oidc provider
config.oauth.secretKeys.userInfoUrl string "userInfoUrl" secret key in oauth.existingSecret for userInfoUrl from your oidc provider
config.oauth.tokenUrl string "" token url from your oidc provider
config.oauth.userInfoUrl string "" user info Url from your oidc provider
config.overrideConfigExistingSecret string "" Allow overriding the ENTIRE config.yaml value with an existing secret, like a sealed secret. If not empty string, ALL values under config are ignored except for config.existing. For all possible config.yaml values, see:
config.vouch.allowAllUsers bool false whether or not to allow ALL users to login list [] array of specific domains you'd like to allow access from
config.vouch.existingSecret string "" existingSecret for domains, whiteList, and jwtSecret. If this value is not empty, we ignore, vouch.whiteList, and vouch.jwt.secret
config.vouch.jwt.secret string "" pass in a secret to used for cookies
config.vouch.logLevel string "debug" logging level for vouch
config.vouch.port int 9090 the container port for vouch string "domains" secret key in vouch.existingSecret with comma seperated list of domains you'd like to allow access from. Example secret value in your existing secret: ','
config.vouch.secretKeys.jwtSecret string "jwtSecret" secret key in vouch.existingSecret to pass in a secret to used for cookies
config.vouch.secretKeys.whiteList string "whiteList" secret key in vouch.existingSecret with comma seperated list of emails for users that allowed to use SSO via vouch. Example secret value in your ','
config.vouch.testing bool false if you enable this, it will force all 302 redirects to be rendered as a webpage with a link
config.vouch.whiteList list [] array of emails for users that allowed to use SSO via vouch
deploymentAnnotations object {}
extraEnvVars list [] An array to add extra environment variables
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pullPolicy, set to always if using an image with the latest tag
image.repository string ""
image.tag string "" change the tag we use for the vouch docker image
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts[0] string "chart-example.local"
ingress.paths[0] string "/"
ingress.tls list []
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
podAnnotations object {}
podSecurityContext object {} securityContext for the pod. see more:
probes.liveness.enabled bool true
probes.liveness.failureThreshold int 5
probes.liveness.initialDelaySeconds int 0
probes.liveness.periodSeconds int 10
probes.liveness.successThreshold int 1
probes.liveness.timeoutSeconds int 1
probes.readiness.enabled bool true
probes.readiness.failureThreshold int 5
probes.readiness.initialDelaySeconds int 0
probes.readiness.periodSeconds int 10
probes.readiness.successThreshold int 1
probes.readiness.timeoutSeconds int 1
probes.startup.enabled bool true
probes.startup.failureThreshold int 30
probes.startup.initialDelaySeconds int 5
probes.startup.periodSeconds int 10
replicaCount int 1 how many pod replicas to deploy
resources object {}
securityContext object {} securityContext for the container. see more:
service.externalTrafficPolicy string nil
service.port int 9090
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string nil The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations list []

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2