My rewrite of olcGameEngine by Javidx9:
These files are made only for myself for educational purposes.
Original files can be found here:
- Console Game Engine.h is a header only library for code written in C++17 for OS Windows
#include "Console Game Engine.h"
// Make sure to enable Unicode!
class GameEngine : public CGE::BaseGameEngine {
// MUST be overriden!
// Used to initialize user resources
bool userCreate() override { ... initializes ... return true; } // true if all OK, else return false to stop execution
// MUST be overriden!
// Used to update game values and render image inside screen buffer(m_screenBuf)
// Elapsed time is time between two calls to this function - can be used for synchronization
bool userUpdate(float elapsedTime) override { ... return true; } // true if all OK, else return false to stop execution
// Can be overriden to clean resources initialized by user class
bool userDestroy() override { ... cleanup ... return true; } // true if all OK(will stop game loop)
// else return false to continue execution of game loop
int main() {
GameEngine ge;
if(ge.createConsole(screenWidth, screenHeight, fontWidth, fontHeight)) // If successfull returns true
return 0;
Game engine can draw sprites that are written inside binary file with special format that consists of 4 parts:
(short)width (short)height (uint16_t[width*height])pixelType (uint16_t[width*height])colorType
Console FPS is a prototype of a game similar to Wolfenstein 3D.
It uses Console Game Engine to create pseudo-3D image using raycasting method.
Game Engine renders 3D walls and 2D objects.
WASD - Walking
Q/E - Strafe left/right
Space - Shoot
Download "Console FPS" folder
In command line:
...\Console FPS> cmake CMakeLists.txt
After building project if you are using VS
Open project folder
Open .sln file
After VS loaded your project select App
Turn Unicode ON
Set it as StartUp Project
You can now launch application
For best FPS set compiler optimization to maximum (and set configuration to Release in VS)
You can also try changing parameters of createConsole function in main function at "Console FPS.cpp"
Original code used as an example:
Videos used as tutorial for learning:
Part 1:
Part 2:
File contains program that renders rotating 3D mesh
Program can load meshes from triangulated .obj file
Project contains 3DTools library with classes used for rendering
Project can be built with CMake. For this:
In command line:
...\3D Graphics Engine> cmake CMakeLists.txt
After building project if you are using VS
Open project folder
Open .sln file
After VS loaded your project select App
Turn Unicode ON
Set it as StartUp Project
You can now launch application
Program uses matrix multiplication to rotate vertices around axises and to project 3D image to 2D screen
Sides that are visible to camera are calculated using dot product
Model is illuminated by "light source", sides are shaded according to amount of "light" they catch
Model renderer renders model from .obj file and shows it on screen
Object is rotated using matrixes
Camera example renders big mountains objects and allows user to fly around
Code shows how to create cameras for 3D worlds, how to render objects around it
and how to handle camera movement
Code also shows simple clipping algorithm to greatly boost perfomance by discarding
triangles that user doesn't see in FoV
Camera controls:
WASD - moving in XZ plane
Space/LeftShift - move up and down in Y axis
- Texturing example loads cube mesh from .obj file and it's texture from .spr file
and renders cube with texture applied
This example adds support of texture vertexes for meshes and shows how to render
textures on polygons
This example also provides free camera for user with same controls as Camera example file
and uses depth buffer instead of sorting polygons based on distance to camera
Original code used as an example:
Videos used as tutorial for learning:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Programm generates random maze using Recursive Backtracker algorithm, std::stack structure and Console Game Engine to render
process of maze creation step by step
Algorithm uses data from current maze cell(which is on top of the stack), gets random not yet visited neighbour cell and creates path
between two. Then neighbour is put on stack and becomes current. If all neighbours were already visited - backtrack by popping top cell from stack
After each step maze is rendered to create animation
Algorithm works until all cells are visited
Video used as tutorial for learning:
Programm generates random seed and uses it to produce 1D or 2D Perlin-like noise
Perlin noise is created by summing waves with different amplitudes and wave lenghts
Generated noise is than rendered in the console using Console Game Engine
1, 2 - 1D or 2D mode
Space - changing number of octaves used in noise generation
Z - Creating new noise seed
I - Switching interpoltion methods (Linear and Cosine)
Up/Down - Increase/Decrease value used to decrease amplitude of each consecutive octave
Video used as tutorial for learning: