- Created dataset appendix
- Fixed Adaboost slides
- Reworked all exercise sheets in Chapter 1-9
- Chapter Boosting: a lot of new chunks and improvements in others
- Chapter Evaluation:
- a lot of new material on advanced topics like pAUC, multiclass AUC, MWU, PR curves, and more
- extended resampling profoundly
- changed naming of the chunks
- improved other chunks
- supervised-regression/slides-regression-knn and supervised-classification/slides-classification-knn are deleted and merged into knn/slides-knn
- tuning splitted into tuning and nested resampling
- Reworked Chapter 1:
- Concepts are now in clear, single chunks
- New chunk on optimization
- Switch from mlr to mlr3
- Rnw-files split into pure tex-files and figure producing R-files