The content of this exam may be updated periodically. Please always refer to the official Microsoft Azure website for the most current information. Regularly checking for updates ensures you are studying the most relevant material. If this note is not updated frequently, relying solely on it could lead to outdated information.
As a candidate for this exam, you’re a technology professional who wants to demonstrate foundational knowledge of cloud concepts in general and Microsoft Azure in particular. This exam is a common starting point in a journey towards a career in Azure.
You can describe Azure architectural components and Azure services, such as:
- Compute
- Networking
- Storage
You can also describe features and tools to secure, govern, and administer Azure.
You should have skills and experience working with an area of IT, such as:
- Infrastructure management
- Database management
- Software development
- Describe cloud concepts (25–30%)
- Describe Azure architecture and services (35–40%)
- Describe Azure management and governance (30–35%)
- Describe cloud concepts (25–30%)
- Describe Azure architecture and services (35–40%)
- Describe Azure management and governance (30–35%)
These hands-on study materials at Microsoft Learn will help you understand various Azure concepts and services. By completing these learning paths, you can earn badges that demonstrate your knowledge and skills in Azure.
- Describe cloud concepts: Learn the basics of cloud computing, key cloud concepts, and core Azure services.
- Describe Azure architecture and services: Understand Azure architecture, key services, and solutions for various workloads.
- Describe Azure management and governance: Gain knowledge on managing and governing your Azure environment effectively.
By completing these modules, you can earn badges to showcase your Azure skills and knowledge.