Updates in this release:
- Update list of contributors.
- Update Makefile.
- Update README.md
- Update doxygen docs.
- Revised timers.
- Moved random numbers to cache struct.
- Update to new branch of cmultiscale.
- Update cmultiscale log message.
- Extended netCDF meteo output.
- Checked and revised meteo file output.
- Fixed calculation of Langevin equation.
- Added option for vertical mixing in the PBL.
- Moved Python venv to working directories.
- Added new control parameter DIFFUSION to selection diffusion scheme.
- Added surface stress and heat flux to meteo variables.
- Added warnings regarding use of DP2DZ and DZ2DP macros.
- Improved method to calculate PBL height with stability approach.
- Added option to set diffusivities in the PBL.
- Fix OpenACC pragma for module_position().
- Selected Squares as default random number generator.
- Removed REFLECT flag, always enforce reflection of particles.
- Removed ADVECT_ZETA_PRESS_MODULES flag, enforce p-to-zeta interpolation.
- Moved random number generation to physics modules.
- New control parameter WET_DEPO_SO2_PH to calculate H_eff for SO2.
- Removed WRAPPER flag in Makefile. Use
make wrapper
to compile. - Modified compilation of dynamic library.
- Changed back to static compilation by default.
- Update library build script.
- Fix compilation of zfp library.
- Modified thresholds for detecting cloud top and cloud bottom pressure.
- Added flag for reading CAPE and CIN from meteo file.
- Revised code to read or calculate PBL.
- Include README for Fortran wrapper
- Update python plot scripts.
- Update get_era5.sh for new CDO version.
- Fix GFS retrieval script.
- Update README.md for meteo data retrieval.
- Added test case for cmultiscale.
- Removed benchmarking project.
- Added szlib to libs.
- Added notes for zlib and zstd compression for netCDF.
- Changed netCDF quantization method to Granular BitRound.
- Added compression for netCDF grid files.
- Added compression for netCDF atmospheric data files.
- Disabled quantization for meteo surface data.
- Made netCDF4 default file type. Added compression of netCDF meteo files.
- Extended write_met() to write meteo data as netCDF file.
- Modifed compile flags for coverage testing.
- Update library build script and update to zfp v1.0.1.
- Update KPP code.
- Added check of time range to module_advect_init() and module_chem_init().
- Update of code to read CLaMS meteo data.
- Update reading of ZETA_DOT.
- Added helper function to read photolysis rates.
- Added timers to met_conv.
- Update read_met_pv().
- Update OH climatology code.
- Optimized cart2geo() and geo2cart().
- Added DEG2RAD and RAD2DEG macros.
- Fix longitude-latitude grid in cmultiscale.
- Added Wu et al. (2023) to reference list.
- Enabled tests for Ubuntu 24.04.
- Sort control parameters into groups.
- Removed -mcodel flag for nvc.
- Modifed checks of array dimensions.
- Modified maximum array sizes for meteo data.
- Removed static array to enable larger meteo fields.
- add intel compiler, add intel and nvx compiler for fortran wrapper
- Added code for MPI broadcast of large data.
- Added Fortran wrapper.