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Swift Jaeger Client

Swift 5.3 Continuous Integration

This Swift package provides a WIP client for Jaeger Tracing implemented using the Swift Tracing set of APIs.

Goal πŸ₯…

The main goal of this project is to create a test, yet real-world, implementation for fleshing out the API details for Swift Tracing.

Stretch Goal πŸ™†β€β™€οΈ πŸ₯…

As a stretch goal for this implementation we aim to pitch it to become embraced by the Jaeger project as an officially supported library.


First, Add the following package dependency to your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "", .branch("main")),

Then, add the Jaeger library to the target(s) you want to use it with:

.product(name: "Jaeger", package: "jaeger-client-swift"),

πŸ”– At this point in time no version has been tagged as the API is still very fragile. Make sure to watch the repository to stay tuned.


Now that you installed the Jaeger client you can use it in your project by bootstrapping the InstrumentationSystem with an instance of JaegerClient:

let reporter = // ... see instructions below
let jaegerSettings = JaegerTracer.Settings(
    serviceName: "frontend", 
    reporter: reporter
let jaegerTracer = JaegerTracer(
    settings: jaegerSettings, 
    group: eventLoopGroup


Jaeger supports different Span reporting APIs, but not all are supported (yet) by this client implementation. Here's a list of the supported reporters:


Make sure to set COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HTTP_PORT accordingly when configuring your Jaeger instance

let reporter = JaegerTracer.Reporter.zipkinv2(
    collectorHost: "localhost",
    collectorPort: 9411,
    eventLoopGroup: eventLoopGroup


Please make sure to run the ./scripts/ script when contributing, it checks formatting and similar things.

You can ensure it always runs and passes before you push by installing a pre-push hook with git:

echo './scripts/' > .git/hooks/pre-push
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push