You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 27
Follow the steps in the video or follow the steps here :
Download Ubuntu Server 18.04.3 LTS and install it on the HDD! and run: "sudo apt-get update" enter the password to continue once finished updating run : "sudo apt-get upgrade" This may take a while on your internet and server speeds. once done reboot by running : "sudo reboot"
Copy the script code from https://github.com/skull-candy/genieacs/blob/master/genieacsautoinstallscript.sh and open your fav. ssh client and connect to your server using the username and password you inserted during installation!
Once Connected run the followings : "sudo nano script.sh" enter the password to continue right-click or paste in the editor Press CTRL + O and Press Enter to save the file then press CTRL + X to exit the editor
Once out of the editor run the following command to make it executable : "chmod +x script.sh" and run the script : "sudo ./script.sh" and LET IT FINISH (PRESS Y (Case Sensitive) when prompted during the installation.
Now There Are Two Techniques to Accomplish This Step : Technique 1 : Start of the service by running the scripts in the location of the installation folder: "sudo /home/USERNAME/genieacs-gui/genieacs-start.sh" and to stop the service run "sudo /home/USERNAME/genieacs-gui/genieacs-stop.sh"
Technique 2 : cd to the folder and run the scripts by : "cd /genieacs-gui/" To start the Service "sudo ./genieacs-start.sh" To stop the Service "sudo ./genieacs-stop.sh"
Open Browser and point to http://ServerIPAddress:3000 to open the GenieASC GUI Dashboard and log in: by the followings : Admin login : username: admin password: admin User login : username: user password: user
Now come back to the ssh client and update the following files to display Mikrotik devices related info on our tables and detail view : Copy variables from the file https://github.com/skull-candy/genieacs/blob/master/MIKROTIK%20parameters%20for%20genieacs :
Update the index_parameters.yml by running the following :
"sudo nano genieacs-gui/config/index_parameters.yml" delete everything you see in the editor by pressing delete or backspace now right-click to paste in the editor Press CTRL + O and Press Enter to save the file then press CTRL + X to exit the editor
Update the index_parameters.yml by running the following :
"sudo nano genieacs-gui/config/summary_parameters.yml" delete everything you see in the editor by pressing delete or backspace now right-click to paste in the editor Press CTRL + O and Press Enter to save the file then press CTRL + X to exit the editor
Restart the Service to to apply changes by runing : Technique 1 : "sudo /home/USERNAME/genieacs-gui/genieacs-stop.sh" and now run : "sudo /home/USERNAME/genieacs-gui/genieacs-start.sh" to start the service again !
Technique 2 : cd to the folder and run the scripts : "cd /genieacs-gui/" "sudo ./genieacs-stop.sh" and now run : "sudo ./genieacs-start.sh"
In order to make genieacs autostart when the server boots up we need to add the genieacs-start.sh script pointer or command to the cron job list by adding its path by runing the following commands:
"sudo crontab -e -u root"
now in the end of the file add :
"@reboot /home/USERNAME/genieacs-gui/genieacs-start.sh"
Press CTRL + O and Press Enter to save the file then press CTRL + X to exit the editor
Now we need to prepare the genieacs-start.sh script for root user , so the script and the gui will be accessible and executable by the root user by runing the following commands :
Technique 1 : "sudo nano /home/USERNAME/genieacs-gui/genieacs-start.sh"
Technique 2 : cd to the folder to edit the scripts : "cd /genieacs-gui/" "sudo nano /genieacs-start.sh"
when in the editor find the following lines and modify them accordingly :
tmux send-keys 'cd genieacs-gui' 'C-m'
tmux send-keys 'rails server -b' 'C-m'
tmux send-keys 'cd /home/USERNAME/genieacs-gui' 'C-m'
tmux send-keys 'sudo rails server -b' 'C-m'
Once done , Press CTRL + O and Press Enter to save the file then press CTRL + X to exit the editor PRO-TIP : you can try rebooting the server using (sudo reboot) to verify if the above changes are correct and working for you.
Open Browser and refresh the page or Point to: http://ServerIPAddress:3000 to open the GenieASC GUI Dashboard and log in: by the followings : Admin login : username: admin password: admin User login : username: user password: user
Now enable the TR-096 in the Mikrotik Routers by logging into the router via Winbox or ssh or telnet and run on the TERMINAL the following : "/tr069-client set acs-url=http://ServerIPAddress:7547 enabled=yes periodic-inform-interval=30s:"
Your router should appear in the GenieASC GUI Dashboard give it some time to update the columns if they are blank: click on "show" then click on refresh to force refresh the columns and retrieve information from the router!
Update Config.json according to your hostname or IP address of the server by running the following :
"sudo nano /usr/lib/node_modules/genieacs/config/config.json" Chnage : "FS_HOSTNAME" : "acs.example.com", To : "FS_HOSTNAME" : "YourServerHostnameOrIP-ADDRESS",
Press CTRL + O and Press Enter to save the file then press CTRL + X to exit the editor
PRO-TIP: config.json can be found in : /usr/lib/node_modules/genieacs/config Now restart the Service by repeating Step # 8 to apply the changes.
If you wish to overwrite default config script of the router with your own defualt config script that you want to apply after a reset , then you have to add a special file type to the Genieacs-gui. it can be dome by adding the file type name in the "_form.html.erb"
Update the file by runing the following :
"sudo nano genieacs-gui/app/views/files/_form.html.erb"
Copy and paste the contents from the file : https://github.com/skull-candy/genieacs/blob/master/_form.html.erb to the text editor.
Press CTRL + O and Press Enter to save the file then press CTRL + X to exit the editor
Now restart the Service by repeating Step # 8 to apply the changes.
PRO-TIP _form.html.erb: /home/USERNAME/genieacs-gui/app/views/files/