Welcome to workshop portion of today’s tutorial!
This is part 3 of 3 sections towards integrating our data: Data Integration
For more context and details on each step look under the slides folder in the main repo.
We will do all the analysis in R.
To start this analysis, we will start by calling in all the packages we
will need. Install them using the code below if you have not already
done so. You also want to setwd()
again to what it was in the
ChIP-analysis aspect of the workshop.
#Packages Used ----
# setwd("~/Desktop/Data_Int_Files") # <-- edit this based on the directory of your choice
To cleanup the output from the Bedtools
function to just include the
GeneID and the distance to the nearest gene the following code will be
used. It will result in a file called ChIP_data.csv that will we
continue with.
#Cleaning up ChIP-seq output ----
peaks_closest_features <- read.delim("C:/Users/sreed/OneDrive - McMaster University/Documents/BIOLOGY722/Data_Integration_Exercise/ChIP/MACS3/peaks_closest_subset.txt", header = FALSE)
#the way the GFF file is constructed we have to clean it up a little to get a table we can use for further analyses
tag <- c("tag1", "tag2")
peaks_features_split <- separate(peaks_closest_features, 1, tag, sep = ";")
colnames(peaks_features_split) <- c("ID", "name", "distance")
peaks_feature_trim <- select(peaks_features_split, ID, distance)
cleaned_features <- peaks_feature_trim %>%
mutate_if(is.character, stringr::str_replace_all, pattern = 'ID=SVEN_', replacement = '')
#now we have a nice table and we want to remove duplicates (if the same gene is ID'd by all four pairwise comparisons, just keep the one with greatest distance).
dedup_features <- unique(setDT(cleaned_features)[order(ID, -distance)], by = "ID")
ChIP_dat <- dedup_features %>% mutate(ID = as.numeric(ID)) %>% drop_na()
Next, we will clean up RNA-sequencing data. Here we are turning GeneID’s into a numeric type and assigning biosynthetic gene clusters to diffrentially expressed genes.
#Cleaning up RNA-seq output ----
#ChIP_dat <- read.csv('~/BIOLOGY722/Data_Integration_Exercise/ChIP/ChIP_table_NEW.csv')
RNA_dat <- read.csv('~/BIOLOGY722/Data_Integration_Exercise/RNA-seq/RNA_seq_data.csv')
#removing 'SVEN' from geneid
RNA_dat <- RNA_dat %>%
mutate_if(is.character, stringr::str_replace_all, pattern = 'SVEN_', replacement = '') %>%
mutate(ID = as.numeric(ID)) %>% drop_na()
RNA_clusters <- RNA_dat %>%
mutate(Cluster = case_when((ID >= 223 & ID <= 234) ~ "Ectoine",
(ID >= 261 & ID <= 306) ~ "Terpene1",
(ID >= 463 & ID <= 531) ~ "T1PKS-T3PKS-NRPS",
(ID >= 540 & ID <= 561) ~ "Lantipeptide/terpene" ,
(ID >= 612 & ID <= 630) ~ "Lantipeptide(venezuelin)",
(ID >= 755 & ID <= 772) ~ "Indole(acryriaflavin)",
(ID >= 913 & ID <= 928) ~ "Chloramphenicol",
(ID >= 1844 & ID <= 1884) ~ "Other1",
(ID >= 2566 & ID <= 2577) ~ "Siderophore(desferrioxamine-like)",
(ID >= 3103 & ID <= 3132) ~ "Lassopeptide",
(ID >= 4061 & ID <= 4110) ~ "Other2",
(ID >= 4179 & ID <= 4189) ~ "Butyrolactone(gaburedin)",
(ID >= 4620 & ID <= 4662) ~ "Melanin1",
(ID >= 5076 & ID <= 5111) ~ "Butyrolactone",
(ID >= 5119 & ID <= 5145) ~ "Thiopeptide",
(ID >= 5351 & ID <= 5383) ~ "T3PKS1",
(ID >= 5413 & ID <= 5426) ~ "Siderophore1",
(ID >= 5471 & ID <= 5482) ~ "Siderophore2",
(ID >= 5817 & ID <= 5840) ~ "Bacteriocin1",
(ID >= 5951 & ID <= 6002) ~ "Butyrolactone/T2PKS",
(ID >= 6112 & ID <= 6204) ~ "Other3",
(ID >= 6134 & ID <= 6282) ~ "NRPS-ladderane",
(ID >= 6436 & ID <= 6490) ~ "Terpene2",
(ID >= 6527 & ID <= 6535) ~ "Bacteriocin2",
(ID >= 6767 & ID <= 6814) ~ "T2PKS",
(ID >= 6833 & ID <= 6842) ~ "Melanin2",
(ID >= 7032 & ID <= 7080) ~ "NRPS",
(ID >= 7101 & ID <= 7119) ~ "Terpene3",
(ID >= 7223 & ID <= 7259) ~ "T3PKS2",
(ID >= 7417 & ID <= 7452) ~ "Terpene-NRPS"))
Before proceeding to the any analysis we want to make sure that there are no missing values in the tables we just created, so the following code will assess this.
#Data Check ----
RNA_data<- RNA_dat %>% filter_all(any_vars(is.na(.))); RNA_data
CHIP_data<- ChIP_dat %>% filter_all(any_vars(is.na(.))); CHIP_data
Now that we have verified there is no missing data, we will start making some plots.
To start our analysis we will make some Venn Diagrams that look at how many genes are both differentialy expressed and bound at or near Lsr2.
#Venn diagram ----
Cluster_bound = RNA_clusters %>% filter(Cluster != is.na(Cluster)) %>% select(ID)
closest_100 <- ChIP_dat %>% filter(distance <= 100)
directly_bound <- ChIP_dat %>% filter(distance == 0)
x = list(RNA_clusters$ID, directly_bound$ID),
category.names = c("RNA_seq", "ChIP_seq"),
filename = 'directly_bound.png',
fill= c ("light blue", "pink"),
x = list(RNA_clusters$ID, closest_100$ID),
category.names = c("RNA_seq" , "ChIP_seq"),
filename = 'closest_100.png',
fill= c ("light blue", "pink"),
x = list(Cluster_bound[,1], RNA_clusters$ID, closest_100$ID),
category.names = c("BGC", "RNA_seq" , "ChIP_seq"),
filename = 'All_overlap.png',
fill= c ("mediumorchid", "light blue", "pink"),
Finally, we are going to do what we came here to do, integrate!
To start we are going to assign either
orNot Bound
status to the genes that are differentialy expressed. -
We are then plotting this binding status against the log2 Fold Change of the genes and assigning the color variable to clusters.
#Lsr2_bound or not
chip_id <- ChIP_dat %>% pull(ID)
lsr2_bound <- RNA_clusters %>%
mutate(Lsr2_bound = case_when(ID %in% chip_id ~ "Bound",
TRUE ~ "Not Bound"))
ggplot(lsr2_bound, aes(Lsr2_bound, log2FoldChange)) + geom_violin() + geom_jitter(aes(color = Cluster), size = 2, alpha = 0.5) + theme_bw() + xlab('Lsr2 Binding Status') + ylab('log2 Fold Change') + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, alpha = 0.7, color = 'red') + ylim(min = -10, max = 10)
Finally, generate sessionInfo()
for a report on all the tools used